The present study is part of a research project, `Radioactivity problems within the food sector` performed in 1991-94 at the request of the National Board of Agriculture in Sweden by The National Research Establishment, Dept. of NBC Defence, and the Dept. of Radioecology and the Dept. of Biosystems and Technology, the latter two belonging to the Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences. The aim of the study was to analyze problems that may occur within food production systems in a situation of radioactive fallout from the use of nuclear weapons. The study is based on a scenario with the following general assumptions: The radioactivity can reach any part of the country and agricultural production areas within 24 hours after the detonation. The following wet deposition will cause an external radiation outdoor dose of 100 mSv during the first week. The ground deposition of the main nuclides per square meter is calculated to be 14.7 kBq of {sup 137}Cs, 11.3 kBq of {sup 90}Sr, 1.92 Mbq of {sup 89}Sr and 14.4 Mbq of {sup 131}I. The consequences of depositions on five different occasions during the season are calculated. The occasions are: Start of the vegetation period (1), Start of the first grazing
Eriksson, Aake;
Andersson, Inger
- Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Radioecology
- Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp (Sweden). Dept. of Agricultural Biosystems and Technology
Citation Formats
Eriksson, Aake, and Andersson, Inger.
Estimated effects of radioactive fallout on agricultural production in Sweden. Contamination of animal products; Beraeknade effekter av radioaktivt nedfall paa jordbruksproduktionen i Sverige. III. Djurprodukternas foerorening.
Sweden: N. p.,
Eriksson, Aake, & Andersson, Inger.
Estimated effects of radioactive fallout on agricultural production in Sweden. Contamination of animal products; Beraeknade effekter av radioaktivt nedfall paa jordbruksproduktionen i Sverige. III. Djurprodukternas foerorening.
Eriksson, Aake, and Andersson, Inger.
"Estimated effects of radioactive fallout on agricultural production in Sweden. Contamination of animal products; Beraeknade effekter av radioaktivt nedfall paa jordbruksproduktionen i Sverige. III. Djurprodukternas foerorening."
title = {Estimated effects of radioactive fallout on agricultural production in Sweden. Contamination of animal products; Beraeknade effekter av radioaktivt nedfall paa jordbruksproduktionen i Sverige. III. Djurprodukternas foerorening}
author = {Eriksson, Aake, and Andersson, Inger}
abstractNote = {The present study is part of a research project, `Radioactivity problems within the food sector` performed in 1991-94 at the request of the National Board of Agriculture in Sweden by The National Research Establishment, Dept. of NBC Defence, and the Dept. of Radioecology and the Dept. of Biosystems and Technology, the latter two belonging to the Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences. The aim of the study was to analyze problems that may occur within food production systems in a situation of radioactive fallout from the use of nuclear weapons. The study is based on a scenario with the following general assumptions: The radioactivity can reach any part of the country and agricultural production areas within 24 hours after the detonation. The following wet deposition will cause an external radiation outdoor dose of 100 mSv during the first week. The ground deposition of the main nuclides per square meter is calculated to be 14.7 kBq of {sup 137}Cs, 11.3 kBq of {sup 90}Sr, 1.92 Mbq of {sup 89}Sr and 14.4 Mbq of {sup 131}I. The consequences of depositions on five different occasions during the season are calculated. The occasions are: Start of the vegetation period (1), Start of the first grazing period (2), End of the first grazing period and at the start of the grass harvest period (3), Start of the grass regrowth period (4) and Start of the regrowth grazing period and before the harvest of cereal crops (5). All alternatives are studied for each of the eight production areas of Sweden. The present report shows the nuclide transport to cows` milk, cattle meat and pigs` meat expressed as the activity concentrations in these products. Figures demonstrate the activity level of each nuclide in milk and cattle meat during the grazing period and during the following stable feeding period, which makes it possible to relate these levels to those permitted for products on the market. 8 refs, 8 figs, 10 tabs.}
place = {Sweden}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}
title = {Estimated effects of radioactive fallout on agricultural production in Sweden. Contamination of animal products; Beraeknade effekter av radioaktivt nedfall paa jordbruksproduktionen i Sverige. III. Djurprodukternas foerorening}
author = {Eriksson, Aake, and Andersson, Inger}
abstractNote = {The present study is part of a research project, `Radioactivity problems within the food sector` performed in 1991-94 at the request of the National Board of Agriculture in Sweden by The National Research Establishment, Dept. of NBC Defence, and the Dept. of Radioecology and the Dept. of Biosystems and Technology, the latter two belonging to the Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences. The aim of the study was to analyze problems that may occur within food production systems in a situation of radioactive fallout from the use of nuclear weapons. The study is based on a scenario with the following general assumptions: The radioactivity can reach any part of the country and agricultural production areas within 24 hours after the detonation. The following wet deposition will cause an external radiation outdoor dose of 100 mSv during the first week. The ground deposition of the main nuclides per square meter is calculated to be 14.7 kBq of {sup 137}Cs, 11.3 kBq of {sup 90}Sr, 1.92 Mbq of {sup 89}Sr and 14.4 Mbq of {sup 131}I. The consequences of depositions on five different occasions during the season are calculated. The occasions are: Start of the vegetation period (1), Start of the first grazing period (2), End of the first grazing period and at the start of the grass harvest period (3), Start of the grass regrowth period (4) and Start of the regrowth grazing period and before the harvest of cereal crops (5). All alternatives are studied for each of the eight production areas of Sweden. The present report shows the nuclide transport to cows` milk, cattle meat and pigs` meat expressed as the activity concentrations in these products. Figures demonstrate the activity level of each nuclide in milk and cattle meat during the grazing period and during the following stable feeding period, which makes it possible to relate these levels to those permitted for products on the market. 8 refs, 8 figs, 10 tabs.}
place = {Sweden}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}