There is a family of color centers and metal ion doped crystals that absorb in the emission region of the neodimium lasers. These centers are in general laser active, being usually pumped in a collinear scheme. They can also be used as saturable absorbers for CW passive Q-switching, but this limits the maximum absorption that can be introduced in the laser cavity thus limiting the maximum gain achievable in the saturable absorber/active pumped medium. By using a coupled cavities scheme we were able to optimize the performance of the pumped medium and obtain CW Q-switched operation by an injection mechanism, being the saturable absorber the unique source of loss for the pump. We coupled an astigmatically compensated KC1:T1{sup 0}(1) color center laser cavity with a Nd laser cavity using both properties of the KC1:T1{sup 0}(1) crystal. We obtained complete Q switching of both lasers with a typical pulse width of one microsecond and a pumping efficiency of the color center laser in the order of 40% achieving a maximum output power of 1.3 watts for an input pump power of 3 W from the Nd;YAG laser. The Nd:YAG Q-switched operation was also tested in this coupled cavities scheme using LiF:F{sub
Vieira, Junior, N D;
Assis, L S;
Morato, S P
- Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)
Citation Formats
Vieira, Junior, N D, Assis, L S, and Morato, S P.
Color centers as simultaneous active laser media and saturable absorbers.
Brazil: N. p.,
Vieira, Junior, N D, Assis, L S, & Morato, S P.
Color centers as simultaneous active laser media and saturable absorbers.
Vieira, Junior, N D, Assis, L S, and Morato, S P.
"Color centers as simultaneous active laser media and saturable absorbers."
title = {Color centers as simultaneous active laser media and saturable absorbers}
author = {Vieira, Junior, N D, Assis, L S, and Morato, S P}
abstractNote = {There is a family of color centers and metal ion doped crystals that absorb in the emission region of the neodimium lasers. These centers are in general laser active, being usually pumped in a collinear scheme. They can also be used as saturable absorbers for CW passive Q-switching, but this limits the maximum absorption that can be introduced in the laser cavity thus limiting the maximum gain achievable in the saturable absorber/active pumped medium. By using a coupled cavities scheme we were able to optimize the performance of the pumped medium and obtain CW Q-switched operation by an injection mechanism, being the saturable absorber the unique source of loss for the pump. We coupled an astigmatically compensated KC1:T1{sup 0}(1) color center laser cavity with a Nd laser cavity using both properties of the KC1:T1{sup 0}(1) crystal. We obtained complete Q switching of both lasers with a typical pulse width of one microsecond and a pumping efficiency of the color center laser in the order of 40% achieving a maximum output power of 1.3 watts for an input pump power of 3 W from the Nd;YAG laser. The Nd:YAG Q-switched operation was also tested in this coupled cavities scheme using LiF:F{sub 2}{sup -} color centers. The obtained pulse widths agree well with a simple theoretical model. (author).}
place = {Brazil}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}
title = {Color centers as simultaneous active laser media and saturable absorbers}
author = {Vieira, Junior, N D, Assis, L S, and Morato, S P}
abstractNote = {There is a family of color centers and metal ion doped crystals that absorb in the emission region of the neodimium lasers. These centers are in general laser active, being usually pumped in a collinear scheme. They can also be used as saturable absorbers for CW passive Q-switching, but this limits the maximum absorption that can be introduced in the laser cavity thus limiting the maximum gain achievable in the saturable absorber/active pumped medium. By using a coupled cavities scheme we were able to optimize the performance of the pumped medium and obtain CW Q-switched operation by an injection mechanism, being the saturable absorber the unique source of loss for the pump. We coupled an astigmatically compensated KC1:T1{sup 0}(1) color center laser cavity with a Nd laser cavity using both properties of the KC1:T1{sup 0}(1) crystal. We obtained complete Q switching of both lasers with a typical pulse width of one microsecond and a pumping efficiency of the color center laser in the order of 40% achieving a maximum output power of 1.3 watts for an input pump power of 3 W from the Nd;YAG laser. The Nd:YAG Q-switched operation was also tested in this coupled cavities scheme using LiF:F{sub 2}{sup -} color centers. The obtained pulse widths agree well with a simple theoretical model. (author).}
place = {Brazil}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}