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Inconel alloys development -Development of the advanced nuclear materials-


We surveyed the current status and problems in S/G U-tubes in Korea and worldwide. Also we gathered manufacturing specifications of S/G U-tubes and compared/analyzed the differences in them company by company. We produced alloy 600 tubes (in cooperation with Sammi Special Steels) through V.I.M. (Vacuum Induction Melting; 2 ton capacity), 4 steps of hot press forging, hot extrusion (10:1 of reduction ratio), 3 steps of cold pilgerings and so on. We will continue to characterize the tubes and 2nd time preproduce the tubes using the feed-back data. With regard to alloy 690, which is getting popular for S/G U-tubes worldwide, we cast four 60 Kg ingots and two 6 Kg ingots by V.I.M.. We analyzed the chemical composition, macrostructures, hot workability, and so on ; all ingots were good except on 60 Kg ingot. Finally we produced high quality alloy 690 ingot (about 1 Kg) by E.S.R. (Electroslag Remelting) method (in cooperation with Yeoungnam University). We used CaF/CaO/Al2O3/MgO quartenary slag system. We have made directionally grown good ingots by E.S.R. and especially the hot workability at 1100 deg C - the temperature at which V.I.M. ingots showed very poor hot workability - was very much improved (from 30 to 90  More>>
Kuk, Il Hiun; Jang, Jin Sung; Rhee, Chang Kyu; Chung, Man Kyo; Woo, Yun Myeoung; Han, Chang Hee [1] 
  1. Korea Atomic Energy Res. Inst., Taejon (Korea, Republic of)
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1994
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 360101; PA: AIX-26:009651; EDB-95:029127; SN: 95001323250
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: Jul 1994
Research Organizations:
Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)
Country of Origin:
Korea, Republic of
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE95612021; TRN: KR9400192009651
Submitting Site:
106 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Kuk, Il Hiun, Jang, Jin Sung, Rhee, Chang Kyu, Chung, Man Kyo, Woo, Yun Myeoung, and Han, Chang Hee. Inconel alloys development -Development of the advanced nuclear materials-. Korea, Republic of: N. p., 1994. Web.
Kuk, Il Hiun, Jang, Jin Sung, Rhee, Chang Kyu, Chung, Man Kyo, Woo, Yun Myeoung, & Han, Chang Hee. Inconel alloys development -Development of the advanced nuclear materials-. Korea, Republic of.
Kuk, Il Hiun, Jang, Jin Sung, Rhee, Chang Kyu, Chung, Man Kyo, Woo, Yun Myeoung, and Han, Chang Hee. 1994. "Inconel alloys development -Development of the advanced nuclear materials-." Korea, Republic of.
title = {Inconel alloys development -Development of the advanced nuclear materials-}
author = {Kuk, Il Hiun, Jang, Jin Sung, Rhee, Chang Kyu, Chung, Man Kyo, Woo, Yun Myeoung, and Han, Chang Hee}
abstractNote = {We surveyed the current status and problems in S/G U-tubes in Korea and worldwide. Also we gathered manufacturing specifications of S/G U-tubes and compared/analyzed the differences in them company by company. We produced alloy 600 tubes (in cooperation with Sammi Special Steels) through V.I.M. (Vacuum Induction Melting; 2 ton capacity), 4 steps of hot press forging, hot extrusion (10:1 of reduction ratio), 3 steps of cold pilgerings and so on. We will continue to characterize the tubes and 2nd time preproduce the tubes using the feed-back data. With regard to alloy 690, which is getting popular for S/G U-tubes worldwide, we cast four 60 Kg ingots and two 6 Kg ingots by V.I.M.. We analyzed the chemical composition, macrostructures, hot workability, and so on ; all ingots were good except on 60 Kg ingot. Finally we produced high quality alloy 690 ingot (about 1 Kg) by E.S.R. (Electroslag Remelting) method (in cooperation with Yeoungnam University). We used CaF/CaO/Al2O3/MgO quartenary slag system. We have made directionally grown good ingots by E.S.R. and especially the hot workability at 1100 deg C - the temperature at which V.I.M. ingots showed very poor hot workability - was very much improved (from 30 to 90 % of reduction of area). We continue to analyze the effects of E.S.R. to the structure and properties of alloy 690 (grain size, morphology, and directionality; any changes of inclusions and so on). (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1994}
month = {Jul}