The objective of this work is to present and to apply a method for solving parabolic differential equations using the Laplace transform with the numerical calculation of the inverse transform, which was proposed by Heydarian. This method was applied for solving problems in nuclear engineering and heat transfer which have known analytical solutions, it was verified results with errors less than 1%. (author).
Citation Formats
Peruzzo, E M.
Solution of parabolic differential equations by Laplace transformation with numerical inversion; Solucao de equacoes diferenciais parabolicas por transformada de Laplace com inversao numerica.
Brazil: N. p.,
Peruzzo, E M.
Solution of parabolic differential equations by Laplace transformation with numerical inversion; Solucao de equacoes diferenciais parabolicas por transformada de Laplace com inversao numerica.
Peruzzo, E M.
"Solution of parabolic differential equations by Laplace transformation with numerical inversion; Solucao de equacoes diferenciais parabolicas por transformada de Laplace com inversao numerica."
title = {Solution of parabolic differential equations by Laplace transformation with numerical inversion; Solucao de equacoes diferenciais parabolicas por transformada de Laplace com inversao numerica}
author = {Peruzzo, E M}
abstractNote = {The objective of this work is to present and to apply a method for solving parabolic differential equations using the Laplace transform with the numerical calculation of the inverse transform, which was proposed by Heydarian. This method was applied for solving problems in nuclear engineering and heat transfer which have known analytical solutions, it was verified results with errors less than 1%. (author).}
place = {Brazil}
year = {1984}
month = {Dec}
title = {Solution of parabolic differential equations by Laplace transformation with numerical inversion; Solucao de equacoes diferenciais parabolicas por transformada de Laplace com inversao numerica}
author = {Peruzzo, E M}
abstractNote = {The objective of this work is to present and to apply a method for solving parabolic differential equations using the Laplace transform with the numerical calculation of the inverse transform, which was proposed by Heydarian. This method was applied for solving problems in nuclear engineering and heat transfer which have known analytical solutions, it was verified results with errors less than 1%. (author).}
place = {Brazil}
year = {1984}
month = {Dec}