In the context of the experiment on `Development of high temperature superconducting system components` supported by the German Ministry of Research and Technology, investigations were carried out by the Working Party of Prof. von Schnering at the Max Planck Institute for Solids Research, the aim of which is to find characteristic structural features of superconducting substances. Alternative systems are to be looked for with the aid of correlation of superconducting properties with simple electronic and chemical structure models, where very powerful 3D computer graphics are used to visualize them. The theoretical and information technology part of the work was supplemented by experiments. Superconducting phases and related compounds were represented and their structures and physical properties were determined. According to the tasks described above, the report is divided into three sections. Starting with the description of a program system for three-dimensional representation of structures and properties of periodic systems, in the second section a process for calculating node surfaces is explained and the importance of curvature in chemical structures is pointed out. The results of the experiments are collected in the third part. (orig.). [Deutsch] Im Rahmen des vom BMFT gefoerderten Projektes Entwicklung von Hochtemperatur-Supraleitenden Systemkomponenten wurden in der Arbeitsgruppe von
Citation Formats
Alternative superconducting systems; Alternative supraleitende Systeme.
Germany: N. p.,
Alternative superconducting systems; Alternative supraleitende Systeme.
"Alternative superconducting systems; Alternative supraleitende Systeme."
title = {Alternative superconducting systems; Alternative supraleitende Systeme}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {In the context of the experiment on `Development of high temperature superconducting system components` supported by the German Ministry of Research and Technology, investigations were carried out by the Working Party of Prof. von Schnering at the Max Planck Institute for Solids Research, the aim of which is to find characteristic structural features of superconducting substances. Alternative systems are to be looked for with the aid of correlation of superconducting properties with simple electronic and chemical structure models, where very powerful 3D computer graphics are used to visualize them. The theoretical and information technology part of the work was supplemented by experiments. Superconducting phases and related compounds were represented and their structures and physical properties were determined. According to the tasks described above, the report is divided into three sections. Starting with the description of a program system for three-dimensional representation of structures and properties of periodic systems, in the second section a process for calculating node surfaces is explained and the importance of curvature in chemical structures is pointed out. The results of the experiments are collected in the third part. (orig.). [Deutsch] Im Rahmen des vom BMFT gefoerderten Projektes Entwicklung von Hochtemperatur-Supraleitenden Systemkomponenten wurden in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. von Schnering am Max-Planck-Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung Untersuchungen durchgefuehrt, deren Ziel es ist, charakteristische Strukturmerkmale supraleitender Substanzen aufzufinden. Alternative Systeme sollen gesucht werden mit Hilfe der Korrelation supraleitender Eigenschaften mit einfachen elektronischen und strukturchemischen Modellen, zu deren Visualisierung hochleistungsfaehige 3D-Computergrafik eingesetzt wird. Der theoretische und informationstechnische Teil der Arbeit wurde ergaenzt durch Experimente. Supraleitende Phasen und verwandte Verbindungen wurden dargestellt und deren Strukturen und physikalische Eigenschaften bestimmt. Entsprechend der geschilderten Aufgabenstellung wird dieser Bericht in drei Abschnitte unterteilt. Beginnend mit der Beschreibung eines Programmsystems zur dreidimensionalen Darstellung von Strukturen und Eigenschaften periodischer Systeme, wird im zweiten Abschnitt ein Verfahren zur Berechnung von Knotenflaechen erlaeutert und auf die Bedeutung der Kruemmung in chemischen Strukturen hingewiesen. Im dritten Teil werden die Ergebnisse der Experimente zusammengefasst. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}
title = {Alternative superconducting systems; Alternative supraleitende Systeme}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {In the context of the experiment on `Development of high temperature superconducting system components` supported by the German Ministry of Research and Technology, investigations were carried out by the Working Party of Prof. von Schnering at the Max Planck Institute for Solids Research, the aim of which is to find characteristic structural features of superconducting substances. Alternative systems are to be looked for with the aid of correlation of superconducting properties with simple electronic and chemical structure models, where very powerful 3D computer graphics are used to visualize them. The theoretical and information technology part of the work was supplemented by experiments. Superconducting phases and related compounds were represented and their structures and physical properties were determined. According to the tasks described above, the report is divided into three sections. Starting with the description of a program system for three-dimensional representation of structures and properties of periodic systems, in the second section a process for calculating node surfaces is explained and the importance of curvature in chemical structures is pointed out. The results of the experiments are collected in the third part. (orig.). [Deutsch] Im Rahmen des vom BMFT gefoerderten Projektes Entwicklung von Hochtemperatur-Supraleitenden Systemkomponenten wurden in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. von Schnering am Max-Planck-Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung Untersuchungen durchgefuehrt, deren Ziel es ist, charakteristische Strukturmerkmale supraleitender Substanzen aufzufinden. Alternative Systeme sollen gesucht werden mit Hilfe der Korrelation supraleitender Eigenschaften mit einfachen elektronischen und strukturchemischen Modellen, zu deren Visualisierung hochleistungsfaehige 3D-Computergrafik eingesetzt wird. Der theoretische und informationstechnische Teil der Arbeit wurde ergaenzt durch Experimente. Supraleitende Phasen und verwandte Verbindungen wurden dargestellt und deren Strukturen und physikalische Eigenschaften bestimmt. Entsprechend der geschilderten Aufgabenstellung wird dieser Bericht in drei Abschnitte unterteilt. Beginnend mit der Beschreibung eines Programmsystems zur dreidimensionalen Darstellung von Strukturen und Eigenschaften periodischer Systeme, wird im zweiten Abschnitt ein Verfahren zur Berechnung von Knotenflaechen erlaeutert und auf die Bedeutung der Kruemmung in chemischen Strukturen hingewiesen. Im dritten Teil werden die Ergebnisse der Experimente zusammengefasst. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}