Such notion as light or retarded distance, field size, formation way, visible size of a body, relativistic or radar length and wave length of light from a moving atom are considered. The relation between these notions is cleared up, their classification is given. It is stressed that the formation way is defined by the field size of a moving particle. In the case of the electromagnetic field, longitudinal sizes increase proportionally {gamma}{sup 2} with growing charge velocity ({gamma} is the Lorentz-factor). 18 refs.
Citation Formats
Strel`tsov, V N.
Relativistic distances, sizes, lengths.; Relyativistskie rasstoyaniya, razmery, dliny..
JINR: N. p.,
Strel`tsov, V N.
Relativistic distances, sizes, lengths.; Relyativistskie rasstoyaniya, razmery, dliny..
Strel`tsov, V N.
"Relativistic distances, sizes, lengths.; Relyativistskie rasstoyaniya, razmery, dliny."
title = {Relativistic distances, sizes, lengths.; Relyativistskie rasstoyaniya, razmery, dliny.}
author = {Strel`tsov, V N}
abstractNote = {Such notion as light or retarded distance, field size, formation way, visible size of a body, relativistic or radar length and wave length of light from a moving atom are considered. The relation between these notions is cleared up, their classification is given. It is stressed that the formation way is defined by the field size of a moving particle. In the case of the electromagnetic field, longitudinal sizes increase proportionally {gamma}{sup 2} with growing charge velocity ({gamma} is the Lorentz-factor). 18 refs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}
title = {Relativistic distances, sizes, lengths.; Relyativistskie rasstoyaniya, razmery, dliny.}
author = {Strel`tsov, V N}
abstractNote = {Such notion as light or retarded distance, field size, formation way, visible size of a body, relativistic or radar length and wave length of light from a moving atom are considered. The relation between these notions is cleared up, their classification is given. It is stressed that the formation way is defined by the field size of a moving particle. In the case of the electromagnetic field, longitudinal sizes increase proportionally {gamma}{sup 2} with growing charge velocity ({gamma} is the Lorentz-factor). 18 refs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}