Utilization of nuclear energy to generate electricity is increasingly being used to replace fossil fuels. During operation of nuclear power plants, radioactive materials are produced, a small fraction of which are released to environment as liquid or gaseous effluents. Estimation of radiation doses caused by effluents release has three purposes. During design phase of a nuclear station it is useful to adapt the wastes treatment systems to acceptable limits. During licensing phase, the regulator organism verifies the design of nuclear station effectuating estimation of doses. Finally, during operation, before every unload of radioactive effluents, radiation doses should be evaluated in order to fulfill technical specifications limiting the release of radioactive materials to environment. 1. To perform calculations of individual doses due to liquid radioactive effluents unload in units 1 and 2 of Laguna Verde nuclear power plant (In licensing phase). 2. To perform a parametric study of the effect of unload recirculation over individual dose, since recirculation has two principal effects: thermodynamical effects in nuclear station and radioactivity concentration; the last can affect the fullfilment of dose limits. 3. To perform the calculation of collective doses causes by unloads of liquid effluents within a radius of 80 km of the
Citation Formats
Molina, G.
Calculating of radiation doses in rutinary unloads of liquid wastes from Laguna Verde nuclear power plant.; Calculo de las dosis de radiacion debidas a las descargas rutinarias de desechos liquidos de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde..
Mexico: N. p.,
Molina, G.
Calculating of radiation doses in rutinary unloads of liquid wastes from Laguna Verde nuclear power plant.; Calculo de las dosis de radiacion debidas a las descargas rutinarias de desechos liquidos de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde..
Molina, G.
"Calculating of radiation doses in rutinary unloads of liquid wastes from Laguna Verde nuclear power plant.; Calculo de las dosis de radiacion debidas a las descargas rutinarias de desechos liquidos de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde."
title = {Calculating of radiation doses in rutinary unloads of liquid wastes from Laguna Verde nuclear power plant.; Calculo de las dosis de radiacion debidas a las descargas rutinarias de desechos liquidos de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde.}
author = {Molina, G}
abstractNote = {Utilization of nuclear energy to generate electricity is increasingly being used to replace fossil fuels. During operation of nuclear power plants, radioactive materials are produced, a small fraction of which are released to environment as liquid or gaseous effluents. Estimation of radiation doses caused by effluents release has three purposes. During design phase of a nuclear station it is useful to adapt the wastes treatment systems to acceptable limits. During licensing phase, the regulator organism verifies the design of nuclear station effectuating estimation of doses. Finally, during operation, before every unload of radioactive effluents, radiation doses should be evaluated in order to fulfill technical specifications limiting the release of radioactive materials to environment. 1. To perform calculations of individual doses due to liquid radioactive effluents unload in units 1 and 2 of Laguna Verde nuclear power plant (In licensing phase). 2. To perform a parametric study of the effect of unload recirculation over individual dose, since recirculation has two principal effects: thermodynamical effects in nuclear station and radioactivity concentration; the last can affect the fullfilment of dose limits. 3. To perform the calculation of collective doses causes by unloads of liquid effluents within a radius of 80 km of the plant caused by unload of liquid radioactive effluents during normal operation and does not include doses during accident conditions. In Mexico the organism in charge of regulation of peaceful uses of nuclear energy is Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias (CNSNS) and for Laguna Verde licensing, the regulations of the country who manufactured the reactor (USA). In Appendix C, units are explained.}
place = {Mexico}
year = {1985}
month = {Dec}
title = {Calculating of radiation doses in rutinary unloads of liquid wastes from Laguna Verde nuclear power plant.; Calculo de las dosis de radiacion debidas a las descargas rutinarias de desechos liquidos de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde.}
author = {Molina, G}
abstractNote = {Utilization of nuclear energy to generate electricity is increasingly being used to replace fossil fuels. During operation of nuclear power plants, radioactive materials are produced, a small fraction of which are released to environment as liquid or gaseous effluents. Estimation of radiation doses caused by effluents release has three purposes. During design phase of a nuclear station it is useful to adapt the wastes treatment systems to acceptable limits. During licensing phase, the regulator organism verifies the design of nuclear station effectuating estimation of doses. Finally, during operation, before every unload of radioactive effluents, radiation doses should be evaluated in order to fulfill technical specifications limiting the release of radioactive materials to environment. 1. To perform calculations of individual doses due to liquid radioactive effluents unload in units 1 and 2 of Laguna Verde nuclear power plant (In licensing phase). 2. To perform a parametric study of the effect of unload recirculation over individual dose, since recirculation has two principal effects: thermodynamical effects in nuclear station and radioactivity concentration; the last can affect the fullfilment of dose limits. 3. To perform the calculation of collective doses causes by unloads of liquid effluents within a radius of 80 km of the plant caused by unload of liquid radioactive effluents during normal operation and does not include doses during accident conditions. In Mexico the organism in charge of regulation of peaceful uses of nuclear energy is Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias (CNSNS) and for Laguna Verde licensing, the regulations of the country who manufactured the reactor (USA). In Appendix C, units are explained.}
place = {Mexico}
year = {1985}
month = {Dec}