In the frame of the SPIN program on improved separation and incineration of long-lived nuclear waste, this paper reviews the studies under way at CEA on minor actinide and fission product transmutation in both thermal and fast fission reactors. Depending on the differences brought on cycle operations a choice is made on recycling options for each element. The irradiations are described and transmutation rates are given, together with the necessary proportion of burner reactors in nuclear power in order to equilibrate productions with destructions, and the resulting reductions in radiotoxicity. 5 refs., 8 figs., 8 tabs.
Tommasi, J;
Delpech, M;
Grouiller, J P;
Zaetta, A
- CEA Centre d`Etudes de Cadarache, 13 - Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (France). Dept. d`Etudes des Reacteurs
Citation Formats
Tommasi, J, Delpech, M, Grouiller, J P, and Zaetta, A.
Long-lived waste transmutation in reactors.
France: N. p.,
Tommasi, J, Delpech, M, Grouiller, J P, & Zaetta, A.
Long-lived waste transmutation in reactors.
Tommasi, J, Delpech, M, Grouiller, J P, and Zaetta, A.
"Long-lived waste transmutation in reactors."
title = {Long-lived waste transmutation in reactors}
author = {Tommasi, J, Delpech, M, Grouiller, J P, and Zaetta, A}
abstractNote = {In the frame of the SPIN program on improved separation and incineration of long-lived nuclear waste, this paper reviews the studies under way at CEA on minor actinide and fission product transmutation in both thermal and fast fission reactors. Depending on the differences brought on cycle operations a choice is made on recycling options for each element. The irradiations are described and transmutation rates are given, together with the necessary proportion of burner reactors in nuclear power in order to equilibrate productions with destructions, and the resulting reductions in radiotoxicity. 5 refs., 8 figs., 8 tabs.}
place = {France}
year = {1993}
month = {Dec}
title = {Long-lived waste transmutation in reactors}
author = {Tommasi, J, Delpech, M, Grouiller, J P, and Zaetta, A}
abstractNote = {In the frame of the SPIN program on improved separation and incineration of long-lived nuclear waste, this paper reviews the studies under way at CEA on minor actinide and fission product transmutation in both thermal and fast fission reactors. Depending on the differences brought on cycle operations a choice is made on recycling options for each element. The irradiations are described and transmutation rates are given, together with the necessary proportion of burner reactors in nuclear power in order to equilibrate productions with destructions, and the resulting reductions in radiotoxicity. 5 refs., 8 figs., 8 tabs.}
place = {France}
year = {1993}
month = {Dec}