An appreciable reduction of the metal impurity in flux and a decrease in SOL plasma parameter disturbance occure during ICRP heating in some tokamaks when toroidally adjacent antennae are driven in anti-phase. Also cancelled are low-frequency electric field fluctuations arising in the sheaths and the associated charged particle flux fluctuations. 24 refs.; 7 figs.
Citation Formats
Chechkin, V V, and Grigor`eva, L I.
On a mechanism of antenna phasing effect on impurity production during ICRF plasma heating.
Ukraine: N. p.,
Chechkin, V V, & Grigor`eva, L I.
On a mechanism of antenna phasing effect on impurity production during ICRF plasma heating.
Chechkin, V V, and Grigor`eva, L I.
"On a mechanism of antenna phasing effect on impurity production during ICRF plasma heating."
title = {On a mechanism of antenna phasing effect on impurity production during ICRF plasma heating}
author = {Chechkin, V V, and Grigor`eva, L I}
abstractNote = {An appreciable reduction of the metal impurity in flux and a decrease in SOL plasma parameter disturbance occure during ICRP heating in some tokamaks when toroidally adjacent antennae are driven in anti-phase. Also cancelled are low-frequency electric field fluctuations arising in the sheaths and the associated charged particle flux fluctuations. 24 refs.; 7 figs.}
place = {Ukraine}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}
title = {On a mechanism of antenna phasing effect on impurity production during ICRF plasma heating}
author = {Chechkin, V V, and Grigor`eva, L I}
abstractNote = {An appreciable reduction of the metal impurity in flux and a decrease in SOL plasma parameter disturbance occure during ICRP heating in some tokamaks when toroidally adjacent antennae are driven in anti-phase. Also cancelled are low-frequency electric field fluctuations arising in the sheaths and the associated charged particle flux fluctuations. 24 refs.; 7 figs.}
place = {Ukraine}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}