An experimental program has been carried out using the facilities at the Laboratory of Nuclear Science of Tohoku University, and at Saskatchewan University. This report summarises the current progress in studies at energies up to 100 MeV, and lists recently published papers.
Citation Formats
Research report to the Gordon conference on photonuclear reactions.
Australia: N. p.,
Research report to the Gordon conference on photonuclear reactions.
"Research report to the Gordon conference on photonuclear reactions."
title = {Research report to the Gordon conference on photonuclear reactions}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {An experimental program has been carried out using the facilities at the Laboratory of Nuclear Science of Tohoku University, and at Saskatchewan University. This report summarises the current progress in studies at energies up to 100 MeV, and lists recently published papers.}
place = {Australia}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}
title = {Research report to the Gordon conference on photonuclear reactions}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {An experimental program has been carried out using the facilities at the Laboratory of Nuclear Science of Tohoku University, and at Saskatchewan University. This report summarises the current progress in studies at energies up to 100 MeV, and lists recently published papers.}
place = {Australia}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}