A distributed soft- and hardware complex based on the AT-286, 386 type PC and local networks JINET in JINR is considered. The complex is designed for computer simulation of charged particle accelerators. The operating part of the complex was used in designing a high-intensity injector cyclotron of energy 7.5 MeV/nucleon for the installation DC-1, which allowed the computation to be performed in shorter time and with higher efficiency. 16 refs.; 1 fig.
Citation Formats
Vorozhtsov, S B, Gromov, V O, Karlov, A A, Lomov, A K, and Saenko, V A.
Distributed computation complex for simulation of charged particle accelerators; Raspredelennyj vychislitel`nyj kompleks dlya modelirovaniya uskoritelej zaryazhennykh chastits.
JINR: N. p.,
Vorozhtsov, S B, Gromov, V O, Karlov, A A, Lomov, A K, & Saenko, V A.
Distributed computation complex for simulation of charged particle accelerators; Raspredelennyj vychislitel`nyj kompleks dlya modelirovaniya uskoritelej zaryazhennykh chastits.
Vorozhtsov, S B, Gromov, V O, Karlov, A A, Lomov, A K, and Saenko, V A.
"Distributed computation complex for simulation of charged particle accelerators; Raspredelennyj vychislitel`nyj kompleks dlya modelirovaniya uskoritelej zaryazhennykh chastits."
title = {Distributed computation complex for simulation of charged particle accelerators; Raspredelennyj vychislitel`nyj kompleks dlya modelirovaniya uskoritelej zaryazhennykh chastits}
author = {Vorozhtsov, S B, Gromov, V O, Karlov, A A, Lomov, A K, and Saenko, V A}
abstractNote = {A distributed soft- and hardware complex based on the AT-286, 386 type PC and local networks JINET in JINR is considered. The complex is designed for computer simulation of charged particle accelerators. The operating part of the complex was used in designing a high-intensity injector cyclotron of energy 7.5 MeV/nucleon for the installation DC-1, which allowed the computation to be performed in shorter time and with higher efficiency. 16 refs.; 1 fig.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}
title = {Distributed computation complex for simulation of charged particle accelerators; Raspredelennyj vychislitel`nyj kompleks dlya modelirovaniya uskoritelej zaryazhennykh chastits}
author = {Vorozhtsov, S B, Gromov, V O, Karlov, A A, Lomov, A K, and Saenko, V A}
abstractNote = {A distributed soft- and hardware complex based on the AT-286, 386 type PC and local networks JINET in JINR is considered. The complex is designed for computer simulation of charged particle accelerators. The operating part of the complex was used in designing a high-intensity injector cyclotron of energy 7.5 MeV/nucleon for the installation DC-1, which allowed the computation to be performed in shorter time and with higher efficiency. 16 refs.; 1 fig.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}