Carcinomas occurring in the thyroid gland as a result of radiation generally affect the papillary and, to a slightly lesser extent, follicular parts of this organ, while the available body of evidence hardly gives any indications of anaplastic and medullary neoplasms. Radiation has, however, mostly been associated with multicentric tumours. Among the survivors of the nuclear assaults on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there are no known cases of anaplastic carcinomas of the thyroid. The papillary carcinoma, which is the prevailing type of neoplasm after radiation exposure, has less malignant potential than the follicular one and is encountered in all age groups. Malignant carcinomas of the thyroid are predominantly found in the middle and high age groups. It was calculated that high Gy doses and dose efficiencies are associated in children with a risk coefficient of 2.5 in 10{sup 4} person-years. This rate is only half as high for adults. Studies performed on relevant cohorts point to latency periods of at least five years. Individuals exposed to radiation are believed to be at a forty-year or even life-long risk of developing cancer. The cancer risk can best be described on the basis of a linear dose-effect relationship. The mortality rate calculated for
Martignoni, K;
Elsasser, U
- Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz, Neuherberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenhygiene
Citation Formats
Martignoni, K, and Elsasser, U.
Usefulness and reliability of available epidemiological study results in assessments of radiation-related risks of cancer. Pt. 4. Radiation-related risk of cancer of the thyroid; Verwertbarkeit und Zuverlaessigkeit von Ergebnissen vorliegender epidemiologischer Untersuchungen fuer die Abschaetzung des strahlenbedingten Krebsrisikos. T. 4. Das strahlenbedingte Schilddruesen-Krebsrisiko.
Germany: N. p.,
Martignoni, K, & Elsasser, U.
Usefulness and reliability of available epidemiological study results in assessments of radiation-related risks of cancer. Pt. 4. Radiation-related risk of cancer of the thyroid; Verwertbarkeit und Zuverlaessigkeit von Ergebnissen vorliegender epidemiologischer Untersuchungen fuer die Abschaetzung des strahlenbedingten Krebsrisikos. T. 4. Das strahlenbedingte Schilddruesen-Krebsrisiko.
Martignoni, K, and Elsasser, U.
"Usefulness and reliability of available epidemiological study results in assessments of radiation-related risks of cancer. Pt. 4. Radiation-related risk of cancer of the thyroid; Verwertbarkeit und Zuverlaessigkeit von Ergebnissen vorliegender epidemiologischer Untersuchungen fuer die Abschaetzung des strahlenbedingten Krebsrisikos. T. 4. Das strahlenbedingte Schilddruesen-Krebsrisiko."
title = {Usefulness and reliability of available epidemiological study results in assessments of radiation-related risks of cancer. Pt. 4. Radiation-related risk of cancer of the thyroid; Verwertbarkeit und Zuverlaessigkeit von Ergebnissen vorliegender epidemiologischer Untersuchungen fuer die Abschaetzung des strahlenbedingten Krebsrisikos. T. 4. Das strahlenbedingte Schilddruesen-Krebsrisiko}
author = {Martignoni, K, and Elsasser, U}
abstractNote = {Carcinomas occurring in the thyroid gland as a result of radiation generally affect the papillary and, to a slightly lesser extent, follicular parts of this organ, while the available body of evidence hardly gives any indications of anaplastic and medullary neoplasms. Radiation has, however, mostly been associated with multicentric tumours. Among the survivors of the nuclear assaults on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there are no known cases of anaplastic carcinomas of the thyroid. The papillary carcinoma, which is the prevailing type of neoplasm after radiation exposure, has less malignant potential than the follicular one and is encountered in all age groups. Malignant carcinomas of the thyroid are predominantly found in the middle and high age groups. It was calculated that high Gy doses and dose efficiencies are associated in children with a risk coefficient of 2.5 in 10{sup 4} person-years. This rate is only half as high for adults. Studies performed on relevant cohorts point to latency periods of at least five years. Individuals exposed to radiation are believed to be at a forty-year or even life-long risk of developing cancer. The cancer risk can best be described on the basis of a linear dose-effect relationship. The mortality rate calculated for cancer of the thyroid amounts to approx. 10% of the morbidity rate. The carcinogenic potential of iodine-131 in the thyroid is only one-third as great as that associated with external radiation of high dose efficiency. (orig./MG). [Deutsch] Durch Strahlung werden in der Schilddruese vor allem papillaere und in zweiter Linie follikulaere SD-Karzinome induziert, fuer den anaplastischen und medullaeren Typ gibt es kaum Hinweise. Allerdings scheint eine Bestrahlung mehr zu multizentrischen SD-Tumoren zu fuehren. Unter den Ueberlebenden der Atombombenexplosion in Hiroshima und Nagasaki wurde kein Fall von anaplastischen SD-Karzinomen gefunden. Das papillaere Karzinom, das nach einer Strahlenexposition leicht ueberwiegt, hat ein geringeres malignes Potential als das follikulaere und kommt in allen Altersgruppen vor. Maligne SD-Karzinome finden sich mehr in mittleren und hoeheren Altersgruppen. Fuer Kinder laesst sich ein Risikokoeffizient von 2,5 pro 10{sup 4} Personenjahre und Gy bei hohen Dosen und Dosisleistungen abschaetzen. Fuer Erwachsene liegt der Wert nur halb so hoch. Aus den Kohortenstudien laesst sich eine Latenzzeit von mindestens 5 Jahren ableiten. Die Dauer des Strahlenrisikos erstreckt sich moeglicherweise auf 40 Jahre, wahrscheinlich lebenslang. Das Risiko laesst sich am besten durch eine lineare Dosis-Effekt-Beziehung beschreiben. Die Mortalitaet fuer SD-Krebs liegt bei rund 10% der Inzidenz. SD-Dosen durch J-131 sind nur 1/3 so effektiv im Vergleich zur externen Strahlung hoher Dosisleistung. (orig./MG).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1990}
month = {May}
title = {Usefulness and reliability of available epidemiological study results in assessments of radiation-related risks of cancer. Pt. 4. Radiation-related risk of cancer of the thyroid; Verwertbarkeit und Zuverlaessigkeit von Ergebnissen vorliegender epidemiologischer Untersuchungen fuer die Abschaetzung des strahlenbedingten Krebsrisikos. T. 4. Das strahlenbedingte Schilddruesen-Krebsrisiko}
author = {Martignoni, K, and Elsasser, U}
abstractNote = {Carcinomas occurring in the thyroid gland as a result of radiation generally affect the papillary and, to a slightly lesser extent, follicular parts of this organ, while the available body of evidence hardly gives any indications of anaplastic and medullary neoplasms. Radiation has, however, mostly been associated with multicentric tumours. Among the survivors of the nuclear assaults on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there are no known cases of anaplastic carcinomas of the thyroid. The papillary carcinoma, which is the prevailing type of neoplasm after radiation exposure, has less malignant potential than the follicular one and is encountered in all age groups. Malignant carcinomas of the thyroid are predominantly found in the middle and high age groups. It was calculated that high Gy doses and dose efficiencies are associated in children with a risk coefficient of 2.5 in 10{sup 4} person-years. This rate is only half as high for adults. Studies performed on relevant cohorts point to latency periods of at least five years. Individuals exposed to radiation are believed to be at a forty-year or even life-long risk of developing cancer. The cancer risk can best be described on the basis of a linear dose-effect relationship. The mortality rate calculated for cancer of the thyroid amounts to approx. 10% of the morbidity rate. The carcinogenic potential of iodine-131 in the thyroid is only one-third as great as that associated with external radiation of high dose efficiency. (orig./MG). [Deutsch] Durch Strahlung werden in der Schilddruese vor allem papillaere und in zweiter Linie follikulaere SD-Karzinome induziert, fuer den anaplastischen und medullaeren Typ gibt es kaum Hinweise. Allerdings scheint eine Bestrahlung mehr zu multizentrischen SD-Tumoren zu fuehren. Unter den Ueberlebenden der Atombombenexplosion in Hiroshima und Nagasaki wurde kein Fall von anaplastischen SD-Karzinomen gefunden. Das papillaere Karzinom, das nach einer Strahlenexposition leicht ueberwiegt, hat ein geringeres malignes Potential als das follikulaere und kommt in allen Altersgruppen vor. Maligne SD-Karzinome finden sich mehr in mittleren und hoeheren Altersgruppen. Fuer Kinder laesst sich ein Risikokoeffizient von 2,5 pro 10{sup 4} Personenjahre und Gy bei hohen Dosen und Dosisleistungen abschaetzen. Fuer Erwachsene liegt der Wert nur halb so hoch. Aus den Kohortenstudien laesst sich eine Latenzzeit von mindestens 5 Jahren ableiten. Die Dauer des Strahlenrisikos erstreckt sich moeglicherweise auf 40 Jahre, wahrscheinlich lebenslang. Das Risiko laesst sich am besten durch eine lineare Dosis-Effekt-Beziehung beschreiben. Die Mortalitaet fuer SD-Krebs liegt bei rund 10% der Inzidenz. SD-Dosen durch J-131 sind nur 1/3 so effektiv im Vergleich zur externen Strahlung hoher Dosisleistung. (orig./MG).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1990}
month = {May}