The INTRAVAL study addresses validation of geosphere transport models for use in repository performance assessment. The study is structured around various test cases relevant to radioactive waste disposal. This report deals with the results from INTRAVAL test case 1b. This is based on laboratory infiltration experiments in which distilled water and a sorbing tracer (Uranium) are forcibly injected into bore cores from deep drillings. Seven project teams have investigated this test case. In the first part of this report the findings of the project teams are summarized, and in a second part their individual reports are given. The work on case 1b helped to develop and test formal frameworks of validation methodologies. Model validation aspects covered geometry of water flow paths, dispersion, channelling, tracer-rock interaction and matrix diffusion. Due to the incompleteness of the experimental data, validation of models in the classical sense was not possible. However, different models were compared and fitted parameters assessed by comparison with independent data as far as possible. Dual porosity models generally yielded good fits to uranium breakthrough curves and also to the uranium distribution in the bore core. Although the test case has provided further considerable support for the concept of matrix diffusion
Hadermann, J
- ed.
Citation Formats
Hadermann, J.
The International INTRAVAL project. Phase 1 case 1b. Uranium migration in crystalline rock; borecore pressure infiltration experiments.
NEA: N. p.,
Hadermann, J.
The International INTRAVAL project. Phase 1 case 1b. Uranium migration in crystalline rock; borecore pressure infiltration experiments.
Hadermann, J.
"The International INTRAVAL project. Phase 1 case 1b. Uranium migration in crystalline rock; borecore pressure infiltration experiments."
title = {The International INTRAVAL project. Phase 1 case 1b. Uranium migration in crystalline rock; borecore pressure infiltration experiments}
author = {Hadermann, J}
abstractNote = {The INTRAVAL study addresses validation of geosphere transport models for use in repository performance assessment. The study is structured around various test cases relevant to radioactive waste disposal. This report deals with the results from INTRAVAL test case 1b. This is based on laboratory infiltration experiments in which distilled water and a sorbing tracer (Uranium) are forcibly injected into bore cores from deep drillings. Seven project teams have investigated this test case. In the first part of this report the findings of the project teams are summarized, and in a second part their individual reports are given. The work on case 1b helped to develop and test formal frameworks of validation methodologies. Model validation aspects covered geometry of water flow paths, dispersion, channelling, tracer-rock interaction and matrix diffusion. Due to the incompleteness of the experimental data, validation of models in the classical sense was not possible. However, different models were compared and fitted parameters assessed by comparison with independent data as far as possible. Dual porosity models generally yielded good fits to uranium breakthrough curves and also to the uranium distribution in the bore core. Although the test case has provided further considerable support for the concept of matrix diffusion and has shown that a connected pore space exists over distances of centimeters in the rock matrices investigated, it is still necessary to determine how the processes scale up to lengths and time scales of interest in repository performance. 13 refs., 12 figs., 7 tabs., 7 appendices.}
place = {NEA}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}
title = {The International INTRAVAL project. Phase 1 case 1b. Uranium migration in crystalline rock; borecore pressure infiltration experiments}
author = {Hadermann, J}
abstractNote = {The INTRAVAL study addresses validation of geosphere transport models for use in repository performance assessment. The study is structured around various test cases relevant to radioactive waste disposal. This report deals with the results from INTRAVAL test case 1b. This is based on laboratory infiltration experiments in which distilled water and a sorbing tracer (Uranium) are forcibly injected into bore cores from deep drillings. Seven project teams have investigated this test case. In the first part of this report the findings of the project teams are summarized, and in a second part their individual reports are given. The work on case 1b helped to develop and test formal frameworks of validation methodologies. Model validation aspects covered geometry of water flow paths, dispersion, channelling, tracer-rock interaction and matrix diffusion. Due to the incompleteness of the experimental data, validation of models in the classical sense was not possible. However, different models were compared and fitted parameters assessed by comparison with independent data as far as possible. Dual porosity models generally yielded good fits to uranium breakthrough curves and also to the uranium distribution in the bore core. Although the test case has provided further considerable support for the concept of matrix diffusion and has shown that a connected pore space exists over distances of centimeters in the rock matrices investigated, it is still necessary to determine how the processes scale up to lengths and time scales of interest in repository performance. 13 refs., 12 figs., 7 tabs., 7 appendices.}
place = {NEA}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}