The described setup has been used for investigation of processes with ultrarelativistic positronium atoms and effect of Coulomb interaction of {pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} in a final state. The setup consists of a high vacuum channel, magnetic spectrometer and detectors for identification of electrons, muons and hadrons. For particle generation the targets 0.5-10 {mu}m thick, which were inserted into the internal proton beam of the IHEP proton synchrotron, were used. A high resolution has been obtained for the relative momentum of a pair due to using thick target excluding matter between the target and the spectrometer, measuring a pair opening angle on the base of 40 m. 22 refs.; 8 figs.
Citation Formats
Afanas`ev, L G, Karpukhin, V V, and Komarov, V I.
The experimental setup POSITRONIUM and its precision characteristics; Ehksperimental`naya ustanovka POZITRONIJ i ee tochnostnye kharakteristiki.
JINR: N. p.,
Afanas`ev, L G, Karpukhin, V V, & Komarov, V I.
The experimental setup POSITRONIUM and its precision characteristics; Ehksperimental`naya ustanovka POZITRONIJ i ee tochnostnye kharakteristiki.
Afanas`ev, L G, Karpukhin, V V, and Komarov, V I.
"The experimental setup POSITRONIUM and its precision characteristics; Ehksperimental`naya ustanovka POZITRONIJ i ee tochnostnye kharakteristiki."
title = {The experimental setup POSITRONIUM and its precision characteristics; Ehksperimental`naya ustanovka POZITRONIJ i ee tochnostnye kharakteristiki}
author = {Afanas`ev, L G, Karpukhin, V V, and Komarov, V I}
abstractNote = {The described setup has been used for investigation of processes with ultrarelativistic positronium atoms and effect of Coulomb interaction of {pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} in a final state. The setup consists of a high vacuum channel, magnetic spectrometer and detectors for identification of electrons, muons and hadrons. For particle generation the targets 0.5-10 {mu}m thick, which were inserted into the internal proton beam of the IHEP proton synchrotron, were used. A high resolution has been obtained for the relative momentum of a pair due to using thick target excluding matter between the target and the spectrometer, measuring a pair opening angle on the base of 40 m. 22 refs.; 8 figs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}
title = {The experimental setup POSITRONIUM and its precision characteristics; Ehksperimental`naya ustanovka POZITRONIJ i ee tochnostnye kharakteristiki}
author = {Afanas`ev, L G, Karpukhin, V V, and Komarov, V I}
abstractNote = {The described setup has been used for investigation of processes with ultrarelativistic positronium atoms and effect of Coulomb interaction of {pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} in a final state. The setup consists of a high vacuum channel, magnetic spectrometer and detectors for identification of electrons, muons and hadrons. For particle generation the targets 0.5-10 {mu}m thick, which were inserted into the internal proton beam of the IHEP proton synchrotron, were used. A high resolution has been obtained for the relative momentum of a pair due to using thick target excluding matter between the target and the spectrometer, measuring a pair opening angle on the base of 40 m. 22 refs.; 8 figs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}