Neutron reaction cross sections were determined by transmission and scattering measurements, to study the dynamics and molecular structure of calcined bakelites. Total cross sections were determined, with a deviation smaller than 5%, from the literature values, by neutron transmission method and a specially devised approximation. These cross sections were then correlated with data obtained with infra-red spectroscopy, elemental analysis and other techniques to get the probable molecular formulae of bakelite. Double differential scattering cross sections, scattering law values and frequency distributions were determined with 15% error using the neutron inelastic scattering method. The frequency distributions as well as the overall results from all experimental techniques used in this work allowed to suggest a structural model like polycyclic hydrocarbons, for calcined bakelite at 800{sup 0} C. (author).
Citation Formats
Voi, D L.
Molecular dynamical and structural studies for the bakelite by neutron cross section measurements; Estudos da estrutura e da dinamica moleculares da baquelite atraves de medidas de secoes de choque para neutrons.
Brazil: N. p.,
Voi, D L.
Molecular dynamical and structural studies for the bakelite by neutron cross section measurements; Estudos da estrutura e da dinamica moleculares da baquelite atraves de medidas de secoes de choque para neutrons.
Voi, D L.
"Molecular dynamical and structural studies for the bakelite by neutron cross section measurements; Estudos da estrutura e da dinamica moleculares da baquelite atraves de medidas de secoes de choque para neutrons."
title = {Molecular dynamical and structural studies for the bakelite by neutron cross section measurements; Estudos da estrutura e da dinamica moleculares da baquelite atraves de medidas de secoes de choque para neutrons}
author = {Voi, D L}
abstractNote = {Neutron reaction cross sections were determined by transmission and scattering measurements, to study the dynamics and molecular structure of calcined bakelites. Total cross sections were determined, with a deviation smaller than 5%, from the literature values, by neutron transmission method and a specially devised approximation. These cross sections were then correlated with data obtained with infra-red spectroscopy, elemental analysis and other techniques to get the probable molecular formulae of bakelite. Double differential scattering cross sections, scattering law values and frequency distributions were determined with 15% error using the neutron inelastic scattering method. The frequency distributions as well as the overall results from all experimental techniques used in this work allowed to suggest a structural model like polycyclic hydrocarbons, for calcined bakelite at 800{sup 0} C. (author).}
place = {Brazil}
year = {1992}
month = {May}
title = {Molecular dynamical and structural studies for the bakelite by neutron cross section measurements; Estudos da estrutura e da dinamica moleculares da baquelite atraves de medidas de secoes de choque para neutrons}
author = {Voi, D L}
abstractNote = {Neutron reaction cross sections were determined by transmission and scattering measurements, to study the dynamics and molecular structure of calcined bakelites. Total cross sections were determined, with a deviation smaller than 5%, from the literature values, by neutron transmission method and a specially devised approximation. These cross sections were then correlated with data obtained with infra-red spectroscopy, elemental analysis and other techniques to get the probable molecular formulae of bakelite. Double differential scattering cross sections, scattering law values and frequency distributions were determined with 15% error using the neutron inelastic scattering method. The frequency distributions as well as the overall results from all experimental techniques used in this work allowed to suggest a structural model like polycyclic hydrocarbons, for calcined bakelite at 800{sup 0} C. (author).}
place = {Brazil}
year = {1992}
month = {May}