With his fundamental contributions towards applied mechanics, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics and gas dynamics, Ludwig Prandtl played a decisive part in bringing about development in these fields of science in the first half of this century. His collected works were brought out in three volumes a few years after his death, which provided subsequent generations with access to many of his publications. Yet this written heritage only represents a part of the lifetime of work for which the world of science has to thank this brillant scholar. He also contributed a great deal in the suggestions and ideas which he made in the work of his many students, employees and research colleagues right around the world. He devised the theories of the boundary layer and the aerofoil; he expounded fundamental ideas on the flow of compressible media and on the turbulent movement of liquid; he applied flow physics to meteorology. His contributions to the problems of elasticity, plasticity and rheology are also very worthy of note. He was able to carry out intensive fundamental research work at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute of Flow Research in Goettingen, relieved of the burden of any external requirements. He enjoyed particular success combining theory and experiments. In
Citation Formats
Vogel-Prandtl, J.
Ludwig Prandtl, a biography. Memories, documents; Ludwig Prandtl: Ein Lebensbild. Erinnerungen, Dokumente.
Germany: N. p.,
Vogel-Prandtl, J.
Ludwig Prandtl, a biography. Memories, documents; Ludwig Prandtl: Ein Lebensbild. Erinnerungen, Dokumente.
Vogel-Prandtl, J.
"Ludwig Prandtl, a biography. Memories, documents; Ludwig Prandtl: Ein Lebensbild. Erinnerungen, Dokumente."
title = {Ludwig Prandtl, a biography. Memories, documents; Ludwig Prandtl: Ein Lebensbild. Erinnerungen, Dokumente}
author = {Vogel-Prandtl, J}
abstractNote = {With his fundamental contributions towards applied mechanics, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics and gas dynamics, Ludwig Prandtl played a decisive part in bringing about development in these fields of science in the first half of this century. His collected works were brought out in three volumes a few years after his death, which provided subsequent generations with access to many of his publications. Yet this written heritage only represents a part of the lifetime of work for which the world of science has to thank this brillant scholar. He also contributed a great deal in the suggestions and ideas which he made in the work of his many students, employees and research colleagues right around the world. He devised the theories of the boundary layer and the aerofoil; he expounded fundamental ideas on the flow of compressible media and on the turbulent movement of liquid; he applied flow physics to meteorology. His contributions to the problems of elasticity, plasticity and rheology are also very worthy of note. He was able to carry out intensive fundamental research work at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute of Flow Research in Goettingen, relieved of the burden of any external requirements. He enjoyed particular success combining theory and experiments. In addition to the theories mentioned above (both of which have been accorded his name), he also developed wind tunnels and measurement apparatus to assist him in his experiments (such as Prandtl`s tube and Prandtl`s manometer), revealing himself to be an allround scholar. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ludwig Prandtl hat mit grundlegenden Beitraegen zur angewandten Mechanik, Hydro-, Aero- und Gasdynamik die Entwicklung auf diesen Gebieten in der ersten Haelfte unseres Jahrhunderts entscheidend vorangebracht. Durch die Herausgabe seiner gesammelten Werke, die wenige Jahre nach seinem Tode in drei Baenden erfolgte, sind seine Veroeffentlichungen der Nachwelt umfassend zugaenglich geworden. Diese schriftliche Hinterlassenschaft ist aber nur ein Teil der Lebensarbeit, die die Wissenschaft dem genialen Gelehrten verdankt. Auch zu den Arbeiten seiner zahlreichen Schueler und Mitarbeiter sowie vieler Fachkollegen aus der ganzen Welt hat er mit seinen Anregungen Wesentliches beigetragen. Er begruendete die Grenzschichttheorie und die Tragfluegeltheorie, er hatte grundlegende Ideen zur Stroemung kompressibler Medien und zur turbulenten Fluessigkeitsbewegung, er wandte die Stroemungsphysik in der Meteorologie an, aber auch seine Beitraege zu Problemen der Elastizitaet, Plastizitaet und Rheologie sollten erwaehnt werden. Im letzteren konnte er, von aeusseren Anforderungen entlastet, intensive Grundlagenforschung treiben. Besonders erfolgreich war er bei der Verbindung von Theorie und Experiment: Neben den oben genannten Theorien (sie tragen beide seinen Namen) entwickelte er fuer seine Versuche Windkanaele und Messgeraete (z.B. Prandtl-Rohr; Prandtl-Manometer) und erwies sich so als umfassender Gelehrter. (orig.)}
place = {Germany}
year = {1993}
month = {Dec}
title = {Ludwig Prandtl, a biography. Memories, documents; Ludwig Prandtl: Ein Lebensbild. Erinnerungen, Dokumente}
author = {Vogel-Prandtl, J}
abstractNote = {With his fundamental contributions towards applied mechanics, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics and gas dynamics, Ludwig Prandtl played a decisive part in bringing about development in these fields of science in the first half of this century. His collected works were brought out in three volumes a few years after his death, which provided subsequent generations with access to many of his publications. Yet this written heritage only represents a part of the lifetime of work for which the world of science has to thank this brillant scholar. He also contributed a great deal in the suggestions and ideas which he made in the work of his many students, employees and research colleagues right around the world. He devised the theories of the boundary layer and the aerofoil; he expounded fundamental ideas on the flow of compressible media and on the turbulent movement of liquid; he applied flow physics to meteorology. His contributions to the problems of elasticity, plasticity and rheology are also very worthy of note. He was able to carry out intensive fundamental research work at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute of Flow Research in Goettingen, relieved of the burden of any external requirements. He enjoyed particular success combining theory and experiments. In addition to the theories mentioned above (both of which have been accorded his name), he also developed wind tunnels and measurement apparatus to assist him in his experiments (such as Prandtl`s tube and Prandtl`s manometer), revealing himself to be an allround scholar. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ludwig Prandtl hat mit grundlegenden Beitraegen zur angewandten Mechanik, Hydro-, Aero- und Gasdynamik die Entwicklung auf diesen Gebieten in der ersten Haelfte unseres Jahrhunderts entscheidend vorangebracht. Durch die Herausgabe seiner gesammelten Werke, die wenige Jahre nach seinem Tode in drei Baenden erfolgte, sind seine Veroeffentlichungen der Nachwelt umfassend zugaenglich geworden. Diese schriftliche Hinterlassenschaft ist aber nur ein Teil der Lebensarbeit, die die Wissenschaft dem genialen Gelehrten verdankt. Auch zu den Arbeiten seiner zahlreichen Schueler und Mitarbeiter sowie vieler Fachkollegen aus der ganzen Welt hat er mit seinen Anregungen Wesentliches beigetragen. Er begruendete die Grenzschichttheorie und die Tragfluegeltheorie, er hatte grundlegende Ideen zur Stroemung kompressibler Medien und zur turbulenten Fluessigkeitsbewegung, er wandte die Stroemungsphysik in der Meteorologie an, aber auch seine Beitraege zu Problemen der Elastizitaet, Plastizitaet und Rheologie sollten erwaehnt werden. Im letzteren konnte er, von aeusseren Anforderungen entlastet, intensive Grundlagenforschung treiben. Besonders erfolgreich war er bei der Verbindung von Theorie und Experiment: Neben den oben genannten Theorien (sie tragen beide seinen Namen) entwickelte er fuer seine Versuche Windkanaele und Messgeraete (z.B. Prandtl-Rohr; Prandtl-Manometer) und erwies sich so als umfassender Gelehrter. (orig.)}
place = {Germany}
year = {1993}
month = {Dec}