A study has been made of the electrolytic hydriding of zircaloy-4 in the range 20-80{sup 0} C, for reaction times from 5 to 30 hours, and the effect of potential, pH and dissolved oxygen has been investigated. The hydriding reaction was more sensitive to time and temperature conditions than to the electrochemical variables. It has been shown that a controlled introduction of hydrides in zircaloy is feasible. Hydrides were found to be plate like shaped and distributed mainly along grain-boundaries. It has been shown that hydriding kinetics do not follow a simple law but may be described by a Johnson-Mehl empirical equation. On the basis of this equation an activation energy of 9.400 cal/mol has been determined, which is close to the activation energy for diffusion of hydrogen in the hydride. (author).
Citation Formats
Gomes, M H.L.
Electrolytic hydriding and hydride distribution in zircaloy-4; Hidretacao eletrolitica e distribuicao de hidretos no zircaloy-4.
Brazil: N. p.,
Gomes, M H.L.
Electrolytic hydriding and hydride distribution in zircaloy-4; Hidretacao eletrolitica e distribuicao de hidretos no zircaloy-4.
Gomes, M H.L.
"Electrolytic hydriding and hydride distribution in zircaloy-4; Hidretacao eletrolitica e distribuicao de hidretos no zircaloy-4."
title = {Electrolytic hydriding and hydride distribution in zircaloy-4; Hidretacao eletrolitica e distribuicao de hidretos no zircaloy-4}
author = {Gomes, M H.L.}
abstractNote = {A study has been made of the electrolytic hydriding of zircaloy-4 in the range 20-80{sup 0} C, for reaction times from 5 to 30 hours, and the effect of potential, pH and dissolved oxygen has been investigated. The hydriding reaction was more sensitive to time and temperature conditions than to the electrochemical variables. It has been shown that a controlled introduction of hydrides in zircaloy is feasible. Hydrides were found to be plate like shaped and distributed mainly along grain-boundaries. It has been shown that hydriding kinetics do not follow a simple law but may be described by a Johnson-Mehl empirical equation. On the basis of this equation an activation energy of 9.400 cal/mol has been determined, which is close to the activation energy for diffusion of hydrogen in the hydride. (author).}
place = {Brazil}
year = {1974}
month = {Dec}
title = {Electrolytic hydriding and hydride distribution in zircaloy-4; Hidretacao eletrolitica e distribuicao de hidretos no zircaloy-4}
author = {Gomes, M H.L.}
abstractNote = {A study has been made of the electrolytic hydriding of zircaloy-4 in the range 20-80{sup 0} C, for reaction times from 5 to 30 hours, and the effect of potential, pH and dissolved oxygen has been investigated. The hydriding reaction was more sensitive to time and temperature conditions than to the electrochemical variables. It has been shown that a controlled introduction of hydrides in zircaloy is feasible. Hydrides were found to be plate like shaped and distributed mainly along grain-boundaries. It has been shown that hydriding kinetics do not follow a simple law but may be described by a Johnson-Mehl empirical equation. On the basis of this equation an activation energy of 9.400 cal/mol has been determined, which is close to the activation energy for diffusion of hydrogen in the hydride. (author).}
place = {Brazil}
year = {1974}
month = {Dec}