This event was held in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentine Republic from 14 th. through 18 th. November, 1988. A great part of the physicians in the area of medical physics participated in this workshop. This volume includes the papers presented at this Workshop of Medical Physics. [Espanol] Este evento se realizo en San Carlos de Bariloche, Republica Argentina entre el 14 y 18 de noviembre de 1988. Este workshop tuvo una participacion mayoritaria de fisica en el area de Fisica Medica y sin restriccion de temas en discusion. El presente volumen incluye los trabajos presentados a dicho workshop.
Citation Formats
Workshop of medical physics; Workshop de fisica medica.
Argentina: N. p.,
Workshop of medical physics; Workshop de fisica medica.
"Workshop of medical physics; Workshop de fisica medica."
title = {Workshop of medical physics; Workshop de fisica medica}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {This event was held in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentine Republic from 14 th. through 18 th. November, 1988. A great part of the physicians in the area of medical physics participated in this workshop. This volume includes the papers presented at this Workshop of Medical Physics. [Espanol] Este evento se realizo en San Carlos de Bariloche, Republica Argentina entre el 14 y 18 de noviembre de 1988. Este workshop tuvo una participacion mayoritaria de fisica en el area de Fisica Medica y sin restriccion de temas en discusion. El presente volumen incluye los trabajos presentados a dicho workshop.}
place = {Argentina}
year = {1988}
month = {Dec}
title = {Workshop of medical physics; Workshop de fisica medica}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {This event was held in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentine Republic from 14 th. through 18 th. November, 1988. A great part of the physicians in the area of medical physics participated in this workshop. This volume includes the papers presented at this Workshop of Medical Physics. [Espanol] Este evento se realizo en San Carlos de Bariloche, Republica Argentina entre el 14 y 18 de noviembre de 1988. Este workshop tuvo una participacion mayoritaria de fisica en el area de Fisica Medica y sin restriccion de temas en discusion. El presente volumen incluye los trabajos presentados a dicho workshop.}
place = {Argentina}
year = {1988}
month = {Dec}