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Hydroelectric power - environmental impacts, measures and costs in presently regulated streams. Final report, phase 3; Vattenkraft - miljoeeffekter, aatgaerder och kostnader i nu reglerade vatten. Slutrapport, etapp 3


The research presented in this report was carried out as a part of the R and D programme 'Hydropower - Environmental impacts, mitigation measures and costs in regulated waters', phase 3, 2006-2010. It has been established and financed by Elforsk, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Board of Fisheries and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, with a budget of approx. MSEK 20. The aim of the RandD programme was to deliver socially and economically acceptable data and knowledge for environmental measures within hydro power. More information can be found on Within this third phase of the programme, one large research project was carried out: 'Cost-Benefit Analysis of River Regulation: The case of Emaan and Ljusnan'. The research project presents an integrated natural-social science approach to Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of river regulation, with a primary focus on the Emaan and Ljusnan watersheds. Each watershed required a slightly different analytical focus: water flow considerations in the Ljusnan and fish passage in the Emaan. Ecological consequences of alternative environmental measures were analyzed, values (e.g., costs and benefits) of these measures were developed, various measurement uncertainties have been characterized, and, finally, the data were subjected to state-of-the-art welfare analysis. The research project has  More>>
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 2010
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: 56 refs., 39 figs., 19 tabs.
Research Organizations:
Elforsk AB, Stockholm (Sweden)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
TRN: SE1107058
Available from: Elforsk AB, SE-10153 Stockholm. Sweden, E-mail: kontakt or from homepage:
Submitting Site:
146 p. pages
Announcement Date:
Apr 11, 2011

Citation Formats

Kristroem, B, Calles, O, Greenberg, K L, Leonardsson, K, Paulrud, A, Ranneby, B, and Sandberg, S. Hydroelectric power - environmental impacts, measures and costs in presently regulated streams. Final report, phase 3; Vattenkraft - miljoeeffekter, aatgaerder och kostnader i nu reglerade vatten. Slutrapport, etapp 3. Sweden: N. p., 2010. Web.
Kristroem, B, Calles, O, Greenberg, K L, Leonardsson, K, Paulrud, A, Ranneby, B, & Sandberg, S. Hydroelectric power - environmental impacts, measures and costs in presently regulated streams. Final report, phase 3; Vattenkraft - miljoeeffekter, aatgaerder och kostnader i nu reglerade vatten. Slutrapport, etapp 3. Sweden.
Kristroem, B, Calles, O, Greenberg, K L, Leonardsson, K, Paulrud, A, Ranneby, B, and Sandberg, S. 2010. "Hydroelectric power - environmental impacts, measures and costs in presently regulated streams. Final report, phase 3; Vattenkraft - miljoeeffekter, aatgaerder och kostnader i nu reglerade vatten. Slutrapport, etapp 3." Sweden.
title = {Hydroelectric power - environmental impacts, measures and costs in presently regulated streams. Final report, phase 3; Vattenkraft - miljoeeffekter, aatgaerder och kostnader i nu reglerade vatten. Slutrapport, etapp 3}
author = {Kristroem, B, Calles, O, Greenberg, K L, Leonardsson, K, Paulrud, A, Ranneby, B, and Sandberg, S}
abstractNote = {The research presented in this report was carried out as a part of the R and D programme 'Hydropower - Environmental impacts, mitigation measures and costs in regulated waters', phase 3, 2006-2010. It has been established and financed by Elforsk, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Board of Fisheries and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, with a budget of approx. MSEK 20. The aim of the RandD programme was to deliver socially and economically acceptable data and knowledge for environmental measures within hydro power. More information can be found on Within this third phase of the programme, one large research project was carried out: 'Cost-Benefit Analysis of River Regulation: The case of Emaan and Ljusnan'. The research project presents an integrated natural-social science approach to Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of river regulation, with a primary focus on the Emaan and Ljusnan watersheds. Each watershed required a slightly different analytical focus: water flow considerations in the Ljusnan and fish passage in the Emaan. Ecological consequences of alternative environmental measures were analyzed, values (e.g., costs and benefits) of these measures were developed, various measurement uncertainties have been characterized, and, finally, the data were subjected to state-of-the-art welfare analysis. The research project has used input from three groups of scientists effectively combined cutting edge research from each of the disciplines}
place = {Sweden}
year = {2010}
month = {Nov}