The radiobiological hazard of Polish population due to coal combustion for electric power production was assessed. Activity concentrations of the elementary radionuclides in coal and all kinds of ashes were measured. The ATMO computer program was applied to calculate the annual increase of the activity concentration in the air and of the annual increase of activity falling on the ground. Exposition by inhalation, oral ingestion and external irradiation was taken into account. The assessed value of irradiation was taken into account. The assessed value of individual effective dose equivalent commitments for the critical group is 0.1 mSv, i.e. 4% of the total dose rate from natural radiation. The collective effective dose equivalent commitments received of all sources by an inhabitant of Poland as a consequence of annual coal combustion in Polish CPP is 367 manSv/a (i.e. 47 manSv per GWa), i.e. 0.4% of the dose from natural radiation. (author). 11 refs, 3 figs, 8 tabs.
Nowina-Konopka, M
- Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow (Poland)
Citation Formats
Nowina-Konopka, M.
Radiological hazard from coal-fired power plants in Poland; Zagrozenie radiologiczne ludnosci i srodowiska Polski na skutek spalania wegla kamiennego w elektrowniach.
Poland: N. p.,
Nowina-Konopka, M.
Radiological hazard from coal-fired power plants in Poland; Zagrozenie radiologiczne ludnosci i srodowiska Polski na skutek spalania wegla kamiennego w elektrowniach.
Nowina-Konopka, M.
"Radiological hazard from coal-fired power plants in Poland; Zagrozenie radiologiczne ludnosci i srodowiska Polski na skutek spalania wegla kamiennego w elektrowniach."
title = {Radiological hazard from coal-fired power plants in Poland; Zagrozenie radiologiczne ludnosci i srodowiska Polski na skutek spalania wegla kamiennego w elektrowniach}
author = {Nowina-Konopka, M}
abstractNote = {The radiobiological hazard of Polish population due to coal combustion for electric power production was assessed. Activity concentrations of the elementary radionuclides in coal and all kinds of ashes were measured. The ATMO computer program was applied to calculate the annual increase of the activity concentration in the air and of the annual increase of activity falling on the ground. Exposition by inhalation, oral ingestion and external irradiation was taken into account. The assessed value of irradiation was taken into account. The assessed value of individual effective dose equivalent commitments for the critical group is 0.1 mSv, i.e. 4% of the total dose rate from natural radiation. The collective effective dose equivalent commitments received of all sources by an inhabitant of Poland as a consequence of annual coal combustion in Polish CPP is 367 manSv/a (i.e. 47 manSv per GWa), i.e. 0.4% of the dose from natural radiation. (author). 11 refs, 3 figs, 8 tabs.}
place = {Poland}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}
title = {Radiological hazard from coal-fired power plants in Poland; Zagrozenie radiologiczne ludnosci i srodowiska Polski na skutek spalania wegla kamiennego w elektrowniach}
author = {Nowina-Konopka, M}
abstractNote = {The radiobiological hazard of Polish population due to coal combustion for electric power production was assessed. Activity concentrations of the elementary radionuclides in coal and all kinds of ashes were measured. The ATMO computer program was applied to calculate the annual increase of the activity concentration in the air and of the annual increase of activity falling on the ground. Exposition by inhalation, oral ingestion and external irradiation was taken into account. The assessed value of irradiation was taken into account. The assessed value of individual effective dose equivalent commitments for the critical group is 0.1 mSv, i.e. 4% of the total dose rate from natural radiation. The collective effective dose equivalent commitments received of all sources by an inhabitant of Poland as a consequence of annual coal combustion in Polish CPP is 367 manSv/a (i.e. 47 manSv per GWa), i.e. 0.4% of the dose from natural radiation. (author). 11 refs, 3 figs, 8 tabs.}
place = {Poland}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}