We carry out a high-precision Monte Carlo simulation of the two-dimensional O(3)-invariant {sigma}-model at correlation lengths {xi} up to similar 10{sup 5}. Our work employs a new and powerful method for extrapolating finite-volume Monte Carlo data to infinite volume, based on finite-size-scaling theory. We compare the extrapolated data to the renormalization-group predictions. The deviation from asymptotic scaling, which is similar 25% at {xi}{approx}10{sup 2}, decreases to similar 4% at {xi}{approx}10{sup 5}. ((orig.)).
Caracciolo, S;
Edwards, R G;
Pelissetto, A;
Sokal, A D
- Lecce Univ. (Italy). Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN
- Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL (United States). Supercomputer Computations Research Inst. (SCRI)
- Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN - Sezione di Pisa, Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa 56100 (Italy)
- Department of Physics, New York University, 4 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003 (United States)
Citation Formats
Caracciolo, S, Edwards, R G, Pelissetto, A, and Sokal, A D.
Two-dimensional O(3) {sigma}-model up to correlation length 10{sup 5}.
Netherlands: N. p.,
Caracciolo, S, Edwards, R G, Pelissetto, A, & Sokal, A D.
Two-dimensional O(3) {sigma}-model up to correlation length 10{sup 5}.
Caracciolo, S, Edwards, R G, Pelissetto, A, and Sokal, A D.
"Two-dimensional O(3) {sigma}-model up to correlation length 10{sup 5}."
title = {Two-dimensional O(3) {sigma}-model up to correlation length 10{sup 5}}
author = {Caracciolo, S, Edwards, R G, Pelissetto, A, and Sokal, A D}
abstractNote = {We carry out a high-precision Monte Carlo simulation of the two-dimensional O(3)-invariant {sigma}-model at correlation lengths {xi} up to similar 10{sup 5}. Our work employs a new and powerful method for extrapolating finite-volume Monte Carlo data to infinite volume, based on finite-size-scaling theory. We compare the extrapolated data to the renormalization-group predictions. The deviation from asymptotic scaling, which is similar 25% at {xi}{approx}10{sup 2}, decreases to similar 4% at {xi}{approx}10{sup 5}. ((orig.)).}
doi = {10.1016/0920-5632(95)00371-F}
journal = []
volume = {42}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1995}
month = {Apr}
title = {Two-dimensional O(3) {sigma}-model up to correlation length 10{sup 5}}
author = {Caracciolo, S, Edwards, R G, Pelissetto, A, and Sokal, A D}
abstractNote = {We carry out a high-precision Monte Carlo simulation of the two-dimensional O(3)-invariant {sigma}-model at correlation lengths {xi} up to similar 10{sup 5}. Our work employs a new and powerful method for extrapolating finite-volume Monte Carlo data to infinite volume, based on finite-size-scaling theory. We compare the extrapolated data to the renormalization-group predictions. The deviation from asymptotic scaling, which is similar 25% at {xi}{approx}10{sup 2}, decreases to similar 4% at {xi}{approx}10{sup 5}. ((orig.)).}
doi = {10.1016/0920-5632(95)00371-F}
journal = []
volume = {42}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1995}
month = {Apr}