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Technologies for climate change adaptation. Coastal erosion and flooding


This guidebook is intended to be a practical tool for use by coastal zone managers in developing countries. The aim is to provide best practice guidance and assist these managers in assessing their evolving adaptation needs and help them to prepare action plans for adapting to climate change in the coastal zone. The guidebook first reviews the main physical and societal impacts of climate change in the coastal zone. It then considers the process of adaptation to erosion and flooding/inundation hazards where major impacts may occur and a range of adaptation technologies are best developed. Thirteen of these adaptation technologies are presented in this guide, representing examples of the protect, accommodate or (planned) retreat approaches to adaptation. While this does not represent an exhaustive list of the adaptation technologies that are available, these technologies are among those most widely used/considered in the coastal zone today. All the technologies considered are relevant to climate change adaptation and collectively, more widespread application is expected in the future under climate change and rising sea levels. For each adaptation technology the following issues are addressed: (1) definition and description; (2) technical advantages and disadvantages; (3) institutional and organisational requirements; (4) potential costs and opportunities;  More>>
Zhu, X; [1]  Linham, M M; Nicholls, R J [2] 
  1. ed.; UNEP Risoe Centre, Roskilde (Denmark)
  2. Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 2010
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: TNA guidebook series; 218 refs., 41 figs. 16 tabs.
Research Organizations:
Technical Univ. of Denmark, Risoe National Lab. for Sustainable Energy, UNEP Risoe Centre, Roskilde (Denmark)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISBN 978-87-550-3855-4; TRN: DK1101043
Also available at; OSTI as DE01010716
Submitting Site:
166 p. pages
Announcement Date:
Apr 11, 2011

Citation Formats

Zhu, X, Linham, M M, and Nicholls, R J. Technologies for climate change adaptation. Coastal erosion and flooding. Denmark: N. p., 2010. Web.
Zhu, X, Linham, M M, & Nicholls, R J. Technologies for climate change adaptation. Coastal erosion and flooding. Denmark.
Zhu, X, Linham, M M, and Nicholls, R J. 2010. "Technologies for climate change adaptation. Coastal erosion and flooding." Denmark.
title = {Technologies for climate change adaptation. Coastal erosion and flooding}
author = {Zhu, X, Linham, M M, and Nicholls, R J}
abstractNote = {This guidebook is intended to be a practical tool for use by coastal zone managers in developing countries. The aim is to provide best practice guidance and assist these managers in assessing their evolving adaptation needs and help them to prepare action plans for adapting to climate change in the coastal zone. The guidebook first reviews the main physical and societal impacts of climate change in the coastal zone. It then considers the process of adaptation to erosion and flooding/inundation hazards where major impacts may occur and a range of adaptation technologies are best developed. Thirteen of these adaptation technologies are presented in this guide, representing examples of the protect, accommodate or (planned) retreat approaches to adaptation. While this does not represent an exhaustive list of the adaptation technologies that are available, these technologies are among those most widely used/considered in the coastal zone today. All the technologies considered are relevant to climate change adaptation and collectively, more widespread application is expected in the future under climate change and rising sea levels. For each adaptation technology the following issues are addressed: (1) definition and description; (2) technical advantages and disadvantages; (3) institutional and organisational requirements; (4) potential costs and opportunities; and (5) barriers to implementation; followed by a case study example. We have endeavoured to include developing country examples wherever possible, but as there is less activity and less documentation of developing world projects and some technologies are barely used in the developing world, this is not always possible. Knowledge and capacity building requirements and monitoring technologies are considered and contrasted across all 13 adaptation technologies. Finally, more detailed sources are indicated. Each adaptation technology has widely varying advantages and disadvantages. As such, selection of measures should be undertaken on a case-by-case basis, which accounts for local conditions. It is widely accepted that the most appropriate adaptation options will vary from area to area. In some cases adaptation technologies can be complimentary; hence, the development of appropriate portfolios of measures should be considered where appropriate. Three decision-making frameworks are also briefly considered. These techniques help coastal mangers to compare and select between the available adaptation options. (LN)}
place = {Denmark}
year = {2010}
month = {Nov}