Experiments on carbon atom injection into ICR-discharge hydrogen plasma (n-bar{sub e}=4x10{sup 12} cm{sup -3}, T{sub e}{approx_equal}250 eV, T{sub i}{approx_equal}350 eV, B{sub 0}=046Tl) are conducted at a three-pass Uragan-3 torsatron. Injection is perormed by ruby laser radiation effect on the surface of steady-state graphite target, mounted on the internal surface of one of screw conductors. Comparison of the experimentally observed time course of C5 line intensity to the results of mathematic simulation of carbon transfer in plasma gives the values of diffusion coefficient and convection rate D=18x10{sup 3}cm{sup 2}/s, V=4.5x10{sup 3}cm/s respectively is performed. The minimal carbon atom concentration in plasma measured (without injection) is at the level of 5x10{sup -3}n-bar{sub e}. Radiation losses conditioned by the background carbon under the conditions of the purest unit are at the level of 200 W. Radiation losses in the range of 0.1-10nm, linked with carbon, make up {approx}2% of total radiation losses of plasma. 20 refs.; 13 figs.
Citation Formats
Berezhnyj, V L, Vojtsenya, V S, and Volkov, Ya F.
Experiments on the laser injection of impurity atoms at the Uragan-3 torsatron; Ehksperimenty po lazernoj inzhektsii primesnykh atomov na torsatrone Uragan-3.
Ukraine: N. p.,
Berezhnyj, V L, Vojtsenya, V S, & Volkov, Ya F.
Experiments on the laser injection of impurity atoms at the Uragan-3 torsatron; Ehksperimenty po lazernoj inzhektsii primesnykh atomov na torsatrone Uragan-3.
Berezhnyj, V L, Vojtsenya, V S, and Volkov, Ya F.
"Experiments on the laser injection of impurity atoms at the Uragan-3 torsatron; Ehksperimenty po lazernoj inzhektsii primesnykh atomov na torsatrone Uragan-3."
title = {Experiments on the laser injection of impurity atoms at the Uragan-3 torsatron; Ehksperimenty po lazernoj inzhektsii primesnykh atomov na torsatrone Uragan-3}
author = {Berezhnyj, V L, Vojtsenya, V S, and Volkov, Ya F}
abstractNote = {Experiments on carbon atom injection into ICR-discharge hydrogen plasma (n-bar{sub e}=4x10{sup 12} cm{sup -3}, T{sub e}{approx_equal}250 eV, T{sub i}{approx_equal}350 eV, B{sub 0}=046Tl) are conducted at a three-pass Uragan-3 torsatron. Injection is perormed by ruby laser radiation effect on the surface of steady-state graphite target, mounted on the internal surface of one of screw conductors. Comparison of the experimentally observed time course of C5 line intensity to the results of mathematic simulation of carbon transfer in plasma gives the values of diffusion coefficient and convection rate D=18x10{sup 3}cm{sup 2}/s, V=4.5x10{sup 3}cm/s respectively is performed. The minimal carbon atom concentration in plasma measured (without injection) is at the level of 5x10{sup -3}n-bar{sub e}. Radiation losses conditioned by the background carbon under the conditions of the purest unit are at the level of 200 W. Radiation losses in the range of 0.1-10nm, linked with carbon, make up {approx}2% of total radiation losses of plasma. 20 refs.; 13 figs.}
place = {Ukraine}
year = {1989}
month = {Dec}
title = {Experiments on the laser injection of impurity atoms at the Uragan-3 torsatron; Ehksperimenty po lazernoj inzhektsii primesnykh atomov na torsatrone Uragan-3}
author = {Berezhnyj, V L, Vojtsenya, V S, and Volkov, Ya F}
abstractNote = {Experiments on carbon atom injection into ICR-discharge hydrogen plasma (n-bar{sub e}=4x10{sup 12} cm{sup -3}, T{sub e}{approx_equal}250 eV, T{sub i}{approx_equal}350 eV, B{sub 0}=046Tl) are conducted at a three-pass Uragan-3 torsatron. Injection is perormed by ruby laser radiation effect on the surface of steady-state graphite target, mounted on the internal surface of one of screw conductors. Comparison of the experimentally observed time course of C5 line intensity to the results of mathematic simulation of carbon transfer in plasma gives the values of diffusion coefficient and convection rate D=18x10{sup 3}cm{sup 2}/s, V=4.5x10{sup 3}cm/s respectively is performed. The minimal carbon atom concentration in plasma measured (without injection) is at the level of 5x10{sup -3}n-bar{sub e}. Radiation losses conditioned by the background carbon under the conditions of the purest unit are at the level of 200 W. Radiation losses in the range of 0.1-10nm, linked with carbon, make up {approx}2% of total radiation losses of plasma. 20 refs.; 13 figs.}
place = {Ukraine}
year = {1989}
month = {Dec}