The dismantling of nuclear facilities requires the proof that the radioactivity of materials to be released from restricted areas remains below low limiting values. Parts which are possibly free of radioactivity would have to be disposed of as radioactive waste if a definite proof can not be demonstrated. Decision measurements are hardly possible on parts and material with complex geometry. The specific radioactivity on parts with smooth, plane and open surface is at present estimated manually by analysing representative samples or by measuring the surface of the part with beta sensitive, large-area gas flow detectors. For keeping the cost of measurements at a low level, NIS has developed a measuring device which enables the examination of large amounts of dismantled and potentially releasable components with a fast automatic procedure. The device, with nearly 4-pi detector geometry, measures the gross gamma-radiation which has a higher penetration capacity into the material than beta-radiation. The measuring device has been used since November 1988 in normal operation during the dismantling of the nuclear power plant Niederaichbach. Up to now, 100 Mg (approximately 700 measuring charges) of various dismounted materials were measured with the device for release. The examination of these measurements showed that the
Citation Formats
Auler, I, Helk, F, Neukaeter, E, and Zimmermann, U.
Measuring process of non exceeding the limiting values for radioactive waste to be released from restricted areas; Messverfahren zum Nachweis der Unterschreitung niedriger Grenzwerte fuer grosse freizugebende massen aus dem Kontrollbereich.
France: N. p.,
Auler, I, Helk, F, Neukaeter, E, & Zimmermann, U.
Measuring process of non exceeding the limiting values for radioactive waste to be released from restricted areas; Messverfahren zum Nachweis der Unterschreitung niedriger Grenzwerte fuer grosse freizugebende massen aus dem Kontrollbereich.
Auler, I, Helk, F, Neukaeter, E, and Zimmermann, U.
"Measuring process of non exceeding the limiting values for radioactive waste to be released from restricted areas; Messverfahren zum Nachweis der Unterschreitung niedriger Grenzwerte fuer grosse freizugebende massen aus dem Kontrollbereich."
title = {Measuring process of non exceeding the limiting values for radioactive waste to be released from restricted areas; Messverfahren zum Nachweis der Unterschreitung niedriger Grenzwerte fuer grosse freizugebende massen aus dem Kontrollbereich}
author = {Auler, I, Helk, F, Neukaeter, E, and Zimmermann, U}
abstractNote = {The dismantling of nuclear facilities requires the proof that the radioactivity of materials to be released from restricted areas remains below low limiting values. Parts which are possibly free of radioactivity would have to be disposed of as radioactive waste if a definite proof can not be demonstrated. Decision measurements are hardly possible on parts and material with complex geometry. The specific radioactivity on parts with smooth, plane and open surface is at present estimated manually by analysing representative samples or by measuring the surface of the part with beta sensitive, large-area gas flow detectors. For keeping the cost of measurements at a low level, NIS has developed a measuring device which enables the examination of large amounts of dismantled and potentially releasable components with a fast automatic procedure. The device, with nearly 4-pi detector geometry, measures the gross gamma-radiation which has a higher penetration capacity into the material than beta-radiation. The measuring device has been used since November 1988 in normal operation during the dismantling of the nuclear power plant Niederaichbach. Up to now, 100 Mg (approximately 700 measuring charges) of various dismounted materials were measured with the device for release. The examination of these measurements showed that the specified minimal detectable activity of 1000 Bq Cobalt-60 can be achieved, even with steel shielding of 2 cm thickness.}
place = {France}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}
title = {Measuring process of non exceeding the limiting values for radioactive waste to be released from restricted areas; Messverfahren zum Nachweis der Unterschreitung niedriger Grenzwerte fuer grosse freizugebende massen aus dem Kontrollbereich}
author = {Auler, I, Helk, F, Neukaeter, E, and Zimmermann, U}
abstractNote = {The dismantling of nuclear facilities requires the proof that the radioactivity of materials to be released from restricted areas remains below low limiting values. Parts which are possibly free of radioactivity would have to be disposed of as radioactive waste if a definite proof can not be demonstrated. Decision measurements are hardly possible on parts and material with complex geometry. The specific radioactivity on parts with smooth, plane and open surface is at present estimated manually by analysing representative samples or by measuring the surface of the part with beta sensitive, large-area gas flow detectors. For keeping the cost of measurements at a low level, NIS has developed a measuring device which enables the examination of large amounts of dismantled and potentially releasable components with a fast automatic procedure. The device, with nearly 4-pi detector geometry, measures the gross gamma-radiation which has a higher penetration capacity into the material than beta-radiation. The measuring device has been used since November 1988 in normal operation during the dismantling of the nuclear power plant Niederaichbach. Up to now, 100 Mg (approximately 700 measuring charges) of various dismounted materials were measured with the device for release. The examination of these measurements showed that the specified minimal detectable activity of 1000 Bq Cobalt-60 can be achieved, even with steel shielding of 2 cm thickness.}
place = {France}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}