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Levels of SO{sub 2}, soot (black smoke), NO{sub 2} and VOC in ambient air in Swedish urban areas, together with SO{sub 2} and NO{sub 2} at neighbouring rural sites, winter 1993-1994; Halter av SO{sub 2}, sot, NO{sub 2} och VOC i utomhusluft i svenska taetorter, samt SO och NO{sub 2} paa landsbygd, vintern 1993-1994


The report presents the results from the 8th consecutive measurement campaign within the URBAN project. During the campaign, October 1993-March 1994, measurements were carried out in 32 different urban areas. The measurements are based mostly on 24 hour average concentrations of sulphur dioxide, soot and nitrogen dioxide in each of the urban centres. In addition, for 24 of the participating boroughs, monthly measurements of SO{sub 2} and NO{sub 2} at two sites in rural areas neighbouring the urban areas were undertaken. For the second consecutive year the project included measurements of volatile organic compounds at 22 of the urban areas. The subsequent analyses included the determination of 8 components; benzene, toluene, m- + p-xylene, o-xylene, ethyl benzene, butyl acetate, octane and nonane. The results have been compiled together with the corresponding meteorological data. In addition, the results from background air measurements at the Swedish sites within the EMEP network are presented. Besides the conventional presentation of results with comparison with the national air quality standards, linear correlation tests between the measured parameters, meteorological data and even other general data supplied by the boroughs concerning population, traffic work etc. are reported. The regional and long distance transport background contributions for air  More>>
Svanberg, P A; [1]  Bostroem, C E; [2]  Backstroem, H [3] 
  1. Swedish Environmental Research Inst., Gothenburg (Sweden)
  2. National Environmental Protection Agency, Solna (Sweden)
  3. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Inst., Norrkoeping (Sweden); and others
Publication Date:
Dec 31, 1994
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 540120; PA: SWD-94:007524; EDB-95:016963; SN: 95001301738
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: 1994
Research Organizations:
Swedish Environmental Research Inst., Goeteborg (Sweden)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE95723988; TRN: SE9407524
Submitting Site:
123 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Svanberg, P A, Bostroem, C E, and Backstroem, H. Levels of SO{sub 2}, soot (black smoke), NO{sub 2} and VOC in ambient air in Swedish urban areas, together with SO{sub 2} and NO{sub 2} at neighbouring rural sites, winter 1993-1994; Halter av SO{sub 2}, sot, NO{sub 2} och VOC i utomhusluft i svenska taetorter, samt SO och NO{sub 2} paa landsbygd, vintern 1993-1994. Sweden: N. p., 1994. Web.
Svanberg, P A, Bostroem, C E, & Backstroem, H. Levels of SO{sub 2}, soot (black smoke), NO{sub 2} and VOC in ambient air in Swedish urban areas, together with SO{sub 2} and NO{sub 2} at neighbouring rural sites, winter 1993-1994; Halter av SO{sub 2}, sot, NO{sub 2} och VOC i utomhusluft i svenska taetorter, samt SO och NO{sub 2} paa landsbygd, vintern 1993-1994. Sweden.
Svanberg, P A, Bostroem, C E, and Backstroem, H. 1994. "Levels of SO{sub 2}, soot (black smoke), NO{sub 2} and VOC in ambient air in Swedish urban areas, together with SO{sub 2} and NO{sub 2} at neighbouring rural sites, winter 1993-1994; Halter av SO{sub 2}, sot, NO{sub 2} och VOC i utomhusluft i svenska taetorter, samt SO och NO{sub 2} paa landsbygd, vintern 1993-1994." Sweden.
title = {Levels of SO{sub 2}, soot (black smoke), NO{sub 2} and VOC in ambient air in Swedish urban areas, together with SO{sub 2} and NO{sub 2} at neighbouring rural sites, winter 1993-1994; Halter av SO{sub 2}, sot, NO{sub 2} och VOC i utomhusluft i svenska taetorter, samt SO och NO{sub 2} paa landsbygd, vintern 1993-1994}
author = {Svanberg, P A, Bostroem, C E, and Backstroem, H}
abstractNote = {The report presents the results from the 8th consecutive measurement campaign within the URBAN project. During the campaign, October 1993-March 1994, measurements were carried out in 32 different urban areas. The measurements are based mostly on 24 hour average concentrations of sulphur dioxide, soot and nitrogen dioxide in each of the urban centres. In addition, for 24 of the participating boroughs, monthly measurements of SO{sub 2} and NO{sub 2} at two sites in rural areas neighbouring the urban areas were undertaken. For the second consecutive year the project included measurements of volatile organic compounds at 22 of the urban areas. The subsequent analyses included the determination of 8 components; benzene, toluene, m- + p-xylene, o-xylene, ethyl benzene, butyl acetate, octane and nonane. The results have been compiled together with the corresponding meteorological data. In addition, the results from background air measurements at the Swedish sites within the EMEP network are presented. Besides the conventional presentation of results with comparison with the national air quality standards, linear correlation tests between the measured parameters, meteorological data and even other general data supplied by the boroughs concerning population, traffic work etc. are reported. The regional and long distance transport background contributions for air quality in the urban areas, as well as the variations within the urban areas have been discussed on the basis of the obtained results. In this year`s evaluation, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency`s decision concerning the introduction of ambient air standards has been considered. In addition, the report also describes the results achieved concerning: The method development concerning the testing of a `NO{sub x}` diffusion sampler; Reproducibility tests on diffusion samplers for VOC; and Active 24 hour sampling of VOC. 21 refs, numerous figs and tabs}
place = {Sweden}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}