A complex of hardware and software means for conducting corpuscular measurements at the `Uragan` stellarators is described. Apart from computer-compatible electron equipment, algorithms of software resistant to various random errors are developed when creating the complex. Acceptance measuring channels are designed for the work with neutral particle analyzers with detectors on the base of microchannel plates. 16 refs.; 17 figs.
Citation Formats
Abdulin, V S, Sizaya, E N, Patlaj, I I, Slavnyj, A S, Krasnyj, V V, and Taran, V S.
Automatized complex of corpuscular measurements of plasma parameters to multichannel analyzer of charge transfer neutrals; Avtomatizirovannyj kompleks korpuskulyarnykh izmerenij parametrov plazmy k mnogokanal`nomu analizatoru nejtralov perezaryadki.
Ukraine: N. p.,
Abdulin, V S, Sizaya, E N, Patlaj, I I, Slavnyj, A S, Krasnyj, V V, & Taran, V S.
Automatized complex of corpuscular measurements of plasma parameters to multichannel analyzer of charge transfer neutrals; Avtomatizirovannyj kompleks korpuskulyarnykh izmerenij parametrov plazmy k mnogokanal`nomu analizatoru nejtralov perezaryadki.
Abdulin, V S, Sizaya, E N, Patlaj, I I, Slavnyj, A S, Krasnyj, V V, and Taran, V S.
"Automatized complex of corpuscular measurements of plasma parameters to multichannel analyzer of charge transfer neutrals; Avtomatizirovannyj kompleks korpuskulyarnykh izmerenij parametrov plazmy k mnogokanal`nomu analizatoru nejtralov perezaryadki."
title = {Automatized complex of corpuscular measurements of plasma parameters to multichannel analyzer of charge transfer neutrals; Avtomatizirovannyj kompleks korpuskulyarnykh izmerenij parametrov plazmy k mnogokanal`nomu analizatoru nejtralov perezaryadki}
author = {Abdulin, V S, Sizaya, E N, Patlaj, I I, Slavnyj, A S, Krasnyj, V V, and Taran, V S}
abstractNote = {A complex of hardware and software means for conducting corpuscular measurements at the `Uragan` stellarators is described. Apart from computer-compatible electron equipment, algorithms of software resistant to various random errors are developed when creating the complex. Acceptance measuring channels are designed for the work with neutral particle analyzers with detectors on the base of microchannel plates. 16 refs.; 17 figs.}
place = {Ukraine}
year = {1989}
month = {Dec}
title = {Automatized complex of corpuscular measurements of plasma parameters to multichannel analyzer of charge transfer neutrals; Avtomatizirovannyj kompleks korpuskulyarnykh izmerenij parametrov plazmy k mnogokanal`nomu analizatoru nejtralov perezaryadki}
author = {Abdulin, V S, Sizaya, E N, Patlaj, I I, Slavnyj, A S, Krasnyj, V V, and Taran, V S}
abstractNote = {A complex of hardware and software means for conducting corpuscular measurements at the `Uragan` stellarators is described. Apart from computer-compatible electron equipment, algorithms of software resistant to various random errors are developed when creating the complex. Acceptance measuring channels are designed for the work with neutral particle analyzers with detectors on the base of microchannel plates. 16 refs.; 17 figs.}
place = {Ukraine}
year = {1989}
month = {Dec}