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Anthropogenic climate change: Knowledge - decision - action; Anthropogene Klimaaenderung: Wissen - Entscheiden - Handeln


The paper points out areas where climate research has established facts relevant to the issue of man`s influence on climate. It also discusses which details in the current picture may yet be modified. In order to arrive at a valuation one must know how reliable are the research results obtained until now. If the global emission of greenhouse gases continues, climate change will be inevitable. If emissions continue over the long term, be it even at a constant level, then the climate will change at a rate and to an extent for surpassing all natural climate fluctuations. A management of civilisation that is based at all levels on continued and increasing greenhouse gas emission, therefore, causes lasting damage to the natural basis of our lives, the ecosystem of the Earth. The uncertainties that still remain from the climatological aspect even though they may be profound in some details, do not relieve politicians of their responsibility to act immediately. This, however, presupposes a consensus on ethical criteria of assessment. (orig.) [Deutsch] Diese Darstellung zeigt auf, in welchen Bereichen seitens der Klimaforschung gesicherte Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Fragestellung ``Anthropogene Klimabeeinflussung`` bestehen und in welchen Detailfragen kuenftig Modifikationen des bisherigen Bildes zu erwarten sind.  More>>
Hoppenau, S [1] 
  1. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie, Hamburg (Germany)
Publication Date:
Nov 01, 1993
Product Type:
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 540110; PA: DEN-94:0FN378; EDB-95:016913; SN: 95001306080
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: Nov 1993
Research Organizations:
Behoerde fuer Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Hamburg (Germany)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE95726738; TRN: DE94FN378
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS
Submitting Site:
32 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Hoppenau, S. Anthropogenic climate change: Knowledge - decision - action; Anthropogene Klimaaenderung: Wissen - Entscheiden - Handeln. Germany: N. p., 1993. Web.
Hoppenau, S. Anthropogenic climate change: Knowledge - decision - action; Anthropogene Klimaaenderung: Wissen - Entscheiden - Handeln. Germany.
Hoppenau, S. 1993. "Anthropogenic climate change: Knowledge - decision - action; Anthropogene Klimaaenderung: Wissen - Entscheiden - Handeln." Germany.
title = {Anthropogenic climate change: Knowledge - decision - action; Anthropogene Klimaaenderung: Wissen - Entscheiden - Handeln}
author = {Hoppenau, S}
abstractNote = {The paper points out areas where climate research has established facts relevant to the issue of man`s influence on climate. It also discusses which details in the current picture may yet be modified. In order to arrive at a valuation one must know how reliable are the research results obtained until now. If the global emission of greenhouse gases continues, climate change will be inevitable. If emissions continue over the long term, be it even at a constant level, then the climate will change at a rate and to an extent for surpassing all natural climate fluctuations. A management of civilisation that is based at all levels on continued and increasing greenhouse gas emission, therefore, causes lasting damage to the natural basis of our lives, the ecosystem of the Earth. The uncertainties that still remain from the climatological aspect even though they may be profound in some details, do not relieve politicians of their responsibility to act immediately. This, however, presupposes a consensus on ethical criteria of assessment. (orig.) [Deutsch] Diese Darstellung zeigt auf, in welchen Bereichen seitens der Klimaforschung gesicherte Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Fragestellung ``Anthropogene Klimabeeinflussung`` bestehen und in welchen Detailfragen kuenftig Modifikationen des bisherigen Bildes zu erwarten sind. Die Kenntnis der Belastbarkeit der bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse ist erforderlich, um zu der Bewertung zu gelangen: Eine fortgesetzte Emission von Treibhausgasen wird auf globaler Skala eine Klimaaenderung bewirken. Das Ausmass dieser Klimaaenderung wird bei langfristig fortgesetzten Emissionen - auch bei unveraenderten Raten - letztlich Ausmass und Geschwindigkeit aller natuerlichen Klimaschwankungen uebertreffen. Eine Wirtschaftsweise, die auf allen Ebenen daruaf aufbaut, fortgesetzt und zunehmend Treibhausgase zu emittieren, fuegt daher den natuerlichen Lebensgrundlagen, dem Oekosystem Erde, nachhaltigen Schaden zu. Die im Detail noch erheblichen Unsicherheiten auf klimatologischem Sektor entheben die Politik nicht der Verantwortung, umgehend Entscheidungen zu treffen. Dies wiederum erfordert den Konsens ueber ethische Bewertungskriterien. (orig.)}
place = {Germany}
year = {1993}
month = {Nov}