Possible technological schemes for obtaining superconducting twisted cables are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the twisting schemes and deformations of the superconduct ing wires when being twisted are analyzed. The causes of the twist step instabilities are considered and recommendations on choosing the twisting scheme satisfying the requirements imposed on the twisted cables are presented. Brief information on the designed and used in industry equipment for superconductor twisting is given. 8 refs.; 8 figs.; 2 tabs.
Citation Formats
Borisov, E R, Kuznetsov, Yu V, and Oshchepkov, V P.
Analysis of possible schemes for twisting multiwire superconducting cables and design of twisting equipment; Analiz vozmozhnykh skhem tvistirovaniya mnogovolokonnykh sverkhprovodnikov i razrabotka oborudovaniya dlya tvistirovaniya.
USSR: N. p.,
Borisov, E R, Kuznetsov, Yu V, & Oshchepkov, V P.
Analysis of possible schemes for twisting multiwire superconducting cables and design of twisting equipment; Analiz vozmozhnykh skhem tvistirovaniya mnogovolokonnykh sverkhprovodnikov i razrabotka oborudovaniya dlya tvistirovaniya.
Borisov, E R, Kuznetsov, Yu V, and Oshchepkov, V P.
"Analysis of possible schemes for twisting multiwire superconducting cables and design of twisting equipment; Analiz vozmozhnykh skhem tvistirovaniya mnogovolokonnykh sverkhprovodnikov i razrabotka oborudovaniya dlya tvistirovaniya."
title = {Analysis of possible schemes for twisting multiwire superconducting cables and design of twisting equipment; Analiz vozmozhnykh skhem tvistirovaniya mnogovolokonnykh sverkhprovodnikov i razrabotka oborudovaniya dlya tvistirovaniya}
author = {Borisov, E R, Kuznetsov, Yu V, and Oshchepkov, V P}
abstractNote = {Possible technological schemes for obtaining superconducting twisted cables are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the twisting schemes and deformations of the superconduct ing wires when being twisted are analyzed. The causes of the twist step instabilities are considered and recommendations on choosing the twisting scheme satisfying the requirements imposed on the twisted cables are presented. Brief information on the designed and used in industry equipment for superconductor twisting is given. 8 refs.; 8 figs.; 2 tabs.}
place = {USSR}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}
title = {Analysis of possible schemes for twisting multiwire superconducting cables and design of twisting equipment; Analiz vozmozhnykh skhem tvistirovaniya mnogovolokonnykh sverkhprovodnikov i razrabotka oborudovaniya dlya tvistirovaniya}
author = {Borisov, E R, Kuznetsov, Yu V, and Oshchepkov, V P}
abstractNote = {Possible technological schemes for obtaining superconducting twisted cables are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the twisting schemes and deformations of the superconduct ing wires when being twisted are analyzed. The causes of the twist step instabilities are considered and recommendations on choosing the twisting scheme satisfying the requirements imposed on the twisted cables are presented. Brief information on the designed and used in industry equipment for superconductor twisting is given. 8 refs.; 8 figs.; 2 tabs.}
place = {USSR}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}