We use strong coupling theory of superconductivity to perform a detailed analysis of the Eliashberg functions {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}), for thirteen samples of Nb-Ge with critical temperatures ranging from 7.0 K to 21.1K. As critical temperature increases, we analyze the general trends of the electron-phonon coupling parameter {lambda}, of the integral of {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega})``A``, and of other characteristics of {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) on the basis of qualitative or empirical criteria. While we find that the samples have in general the behavior expected, a closer analysis points to an overall attenuation in {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) of unclear origin. Though the gap edge, {Delta}{sub 0}, appears to be well described by the {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) obtained, the thermodynamic critical field agrees poorly with that reproduced by {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) in the only case where the necessary (tunneling {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}), critical field measurements) data are available. Our analysis suggests there is a gross uncertainty in the measured H{sub c}(0). The overall analysis shows that the samples obtained are of enough quality to already give meaningful results upon inversion of the tunneling data. (author). 23 refs, 14 figs, 6 tabs.
Baquero, R;
Gutierrez-Ibarra, J;
Kihlstrom, K E
- International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)
- Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (Mexico). Escuela de Fisica
- Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA (USA). Dept. of Physics
Citation Formats
Baquero, R, Gutierrez-Ibarra, J, and Kihlstrom, K E.
Eliashberg theory applied to the study of an Nb-Ge series.
IAEA: N. p.,
Baquero, R, Gutierrez-Ibarra, J, & Kihlstrom, K E.
Eliashberg theory applied to the study of an Nb-Ge series.
Baquero, R, Gutierrez-Ibarra, J, and Kihlstrom, K E.
"Eliashberg theory applied to the study of an Nb-Ge series."
title = {Eliashberg theory applied to the study of an Nb-Ge series}
author = {Baquero, R, Gutierrez-Ibarra, J, and Kihlstrom, K E}
abstractNote = {We use strong coupling theory of superconductivity to perform a detailed analysis of the Eliashberg functions {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}), for thirteen samples of Nb-Ge with critical temperatures ranging from 7.0 K to 21.1K. As critical temperature increases, we analyze the general trends of the electron-phonon coupling parameter {lambda}, of the integral of {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega})``A``, and of other characteristics of {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) on the basis of qualitative or empirical criteria. While we find that the samples have in general the behavior expected, a closer analysis points to an overall attenuation in {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) of unclear origin. Though the gap edge, {Delta}{sub 0}, appears to be well described by the {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) obtained, the thermodynamic critical field agrees poorly with that reproduced by {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) in the only case where the necessary (tunneling {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}), critical field measurements) data are available. Our analysis suggests there is a gross uncertainty in the measured H{sub c}(0). The overall analysis shows that the samples obtained are of enough quality to already give meaningful results upon inversion of the tunneling data. (author). 23 refs, 14 figs, 6 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Jul}
title = {Eliashberg theory applied to the study of an Nb-Ge series}
author = {Baquero, R, Gutierrez-Ibarra, J, and Kihlstrom, K E}
abstractNote = {We use strong coupling theory of superconductivity to perform a detailed analysis of the Eliashberg functions {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}), for thirteen samples of Nb-Ge with critical temperatures ranging from 7.0 K to 21.1K. As critical temperature increases, we analyze the general trends of the electron-phonon coupling parameter {lambda}, of the integral of {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega})``A``, and of other characteristics of {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) on the basis of qualitative or empirical criteria. While we find that the samples have in general the behavior expected, a closer analysis points to an overall attenuation in {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) of unclear origin. Though the gap edge, {Delta}{sub 0}, appears to be well described by the {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) obtained, the thermodynamic critical field agrees poorly with that reproduced by {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}) in the only case where the necessary (tunneling {alpha}{sup 2}F({omega}), critical field measurements) data are available. Our analysis suggests there is a gross uncertainty in the measured H{sub c}(0). The overall analysis shows that the samples obtained are of enough quality to already give meaningful results upon inversion of the tunneling data. (author). 23 refs, 14 figs, 6 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Jul}