The properties of the bound system charge-dyon (so called ``dyonium``) in the external electromagnetic field are considered. It is shown that the spectrum of dipole radiation of the dyonium contains direct information on the spatial parity violation in the electrodynamics with magnetic charge. It is found that the P noninvariance of this system leads to essential differences between the Stark and Zeeman effects for a hydrogen atom and those for dyogen. The photoionization process of the hydrogen-like atom in the field of the magnetic charge is calculated. It is shown that the corresponding angular distribution of the photoelectron has the essentially asymmetry due to the P parity breaking. (author). 20 refs, 2 figs, 2 tabs.
Shnir, Ya M;
Tolkachev, E A;
Tomil`chik, L M
- International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)
- Institute of Physics, Minsk (USSR)
Citation Formats
Shnir, Ya M, Tolkachev, E A, and Tomil`chik, L M.
P violating magnetic monopole influence on the behaviour of the atom-like system in the external fields.
IAEA: N. p.,
Shnir, Ya M, Tolkachev, E A, & Tomil`chik, L M.
P violating magnetic monopole influence on the behaviour of the atom-like system in the external fields.
Shnir, Ya M, Tolkachev, E A, and Tomil`chik, L M.
"P violating magnetic monopole influence on the behaviour of the atom-like system in the external fields."
title = {P violating magnetic monopole influence on the behaviour of the atom-like system in the external fields}
author = {Shnir, Ya M, Tolkachev, E A, and Tomil`chik, L M}
abstractNote = {The properties of the bound system charge-dyon (so called ``dyonium``) in the external electromagnetic field are considered. It is shown that the spectrum of dipole radiation of the dyonium contains direct information on the spatial parity violation in the electrodynamics with magnetic charge. It is found that the P noninvariance of this system leads to essential differences between the Stark and Zeeman effects for a hydrogen atom and those for dyogen. The photoionization process of the hydrogen-like atom in the field of the magnetic charge is calculated. It is shown that the corresponding angular distribution of the photoelectron has the essentially asymmetry due to the P parity breaking. (author). 20 refs, 2 figs, 2 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Jul}
title = {P violating magnetic monopole influence on the behaviour of the atom-like system in the external fields}
author = {Shnir, Ya M, Tolkachev, E A, and Tomil`chik, L M}
abstractNote = {The properties of the bound system charge-dyon (so called ``dyonium``) in the external electromagnetic field are considered. It is shown that the spectrum of dipole radiation of the dyonium contains direct information on the spatial parity violation in the electrodynamics with magnetic charge. It is found that the P noninvariance of this system leads to essential differences between the Stark and Zeeman effects for a hydrogen atom and those for dyogen. The photoionization process of the hydrogen-like atom in the field of the magnetic charge is calculated. It is shown that the corresponding angular distribution of the photoelectron has the essentially asymmetry due to the P parity breaking. (author). 20 refs, 2 figs, 2 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Jul}