Differential cross sections of the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C reaction have been measured at 19 alpha energies between 7 MeV and 16 MeV. Besides the differential cross sections from the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.) reaction, also those of the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(E{sub ex}) reactions were derived for excitation energies E{sub ex} = 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 and 12.71 MeV. Possible sources of uncertainties have been extensively investigated and the corresponding results have been published in part 1. All partial and integrated cross sections from the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.) reaction were determined with uncertainties of less than 5%. The angular distributions were fitted to Legendre polynomial expansions by the least-squares method. A comparison of the measured cross sections with data from other authors and with an evaluation shows considerable deviations in some cases. Tests were also carried out to ascertain how well an interpolation of the Legendre coefficients reproduces the magnitude and shape of the experimentally determined angular distributions. All angular distributions are presented in figures, together with their Legendre polynomial expansions and data from the literature if available. The a{sub l} coefficients of the Legendre polynomial expansions are given in the Appendix. (orig.). [Deutsch] Winkelverteilungen differentieller Wirkungsquerschnitte der Reaktion {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup
Citation Formats
Schmidt, D, Boettger, R, Klein, H, and Nolte, R.
Investigation of the {sup 9}Be(a,n){sup 12}C reaction. Pt. 2. Differential cross sections for E{sub a}=7.02-15.70 MeV and E{sub ex}({sup 12}C)=0.0, 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 and 12.71 MeV.
Germany: N. p.,
Schmidt, D, Boettger, R, Klein, H, & Nolte, R.
Investigation of the {sup 9}Be(a,n){sup 12}C reaction. Pt. 2. Differential cross sections for E{sub a}=7.02-15.70 MeV and E{sub ex}({sup 12}C)=0.0, 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 and 12.71 MeV.
Schmidt, D, Boettger, R, Klein, H, and Nolte, R.
"Investigation of the {sup 9}Be(a,n){sup 12}C reaction. Pt. 2. Differential cross sections for E{sub a}=7.02-15.70 MeV and E{sub ex}({sup 12}C)=0.0, 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 and 12.71 MeV."
title = {Investigation of the {sup 9}Be(a,n){sup 12}C reaction. Pt. 2. Differential cross sections for E{sub a}=7.02-15.70 MeV and E{sub ex}({sup 12}C)=0.0, 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 and 12.71 MeV}
author = {Schmidt, D, Boettger, R, Klein, H, and Nolte, R}
abstractNote = {Differential cross sections of the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C reaction have been measured at 19 alpha energies between 7 MeV and 16 MeV. Besides the differential cross sections from the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.) reaction, also those of the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(E{sub ex}) reactions were derived for excitation energies E{sub ex} = 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 and 12.71 MeV. Possible sources of uncertainties have been extensively investigated and the corresponding results have been published in part 1. All partial and integrated cross sections from the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.) reaction were determined with uncertainties of less than 5%. The angular distributions were fitted to Legendre polynomial expansions by the least-squares method. A comparison of the measured cross sections with data from other authors and with an evaluation shows considerable deviations in some cases. Tests were also carried out to ascertain how well an interpolation of the Legendre coefficients reproduces the magnitude and shape of the experimentally determined angular distributions. All angular distributions are presented in figures, together with their Legendre polynomial expansions and data from the literature if available. The a{sub l} coefficients of the Legendre polynomial expansions are given in the Appendix. (orig.). [Deutsch] Winkelverteilungen differentieller Wirkungsquerschnitte der Reaktion {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C wurden bei 19 Inzidenzenergien zwischen 7 und 16 MeV gemessen. Neben der Bestimmung der differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte der {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.)-Reaktion wurden auch jene der Rekationen {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(E{sub ex}) mit E{sub ex} = 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 und 12.71 MeV ermittelt. Moegliche Quellen von Unsicherheiten wurden detailliert untersucht, die Ergebnisse hierzu sind in Teil 1 publiziert worden. Alle partiellen und auch integrierten Wirkungsquerschnitte zur {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.)-Reaktion wurden mit Unsicherheiten kleiner als 5% bestimmt. An die Winkelverteilungen sind Legendre-Polynome mit der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate angepasst worden. Ein Vergleich der gemessenen Wirkungsquerschnitte mit den Daten anderer Autoren sowie einer Evaluation zeigt betraechtliche Abweichungen in einer Reihe von Faellen. Ferner wurde geprueft, wie gut eine Interpolation der Legendre-Koeffizienten Absoluthoehe und Form der experimentellen Winkelverteilungen wiedergeben kann. Alle Winkelverteilungen sind in Abbildungen dargestellt, zusammen mit den Kurven der Legendre-Polynome sowie Daten aus der Literatur, soweit verfuegbar. Die a{sub l}-Koeffizienten der Legendre-Entwicklungen werden in einem Anhang aufgelistet. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1992}
month = {Apr}
title = {Investigation of the {sup 9}Be(a,n){sup 12}C reaction. Pt. 2. Differential cross sections for E{sub a}=7.02-15.70 MeV and E{sub ex}({sup 12}C)=0.0, 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 and 12.71 MeV}
author = {Schmidt, D, Boettger, R, Klein, H, and Nolte, R}
abstractNote = {Differential cross sections of the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C reaction have been measured at 19 alpha energies between 7 MeV and 16 MeV. Besides the differential cross sections from the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.) reaction, also those of the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(E{sub ex}) reactions were derived for excitation energies E{sub ex} = 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 and 12.71 MeV. Possible sources of uncertainties have been extensively investigated and the corresponding results have been published in part 1. All partial and integrated cross sections from the {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.) reaction were determined with uncertainties of less than 5%. The angular distributions were fitted to Legendre polynomial expansions by the least-squares method. A comparison of the measured cross sections with data from other authors and with an evaluation shows considerable deviations in some cases. Tests were also carried out to ascertain how well an interpolation of the Legendre coefficients reproduces the magnitude and shape of the experimentally determined angular distributions. All angular distributions are presented in figures, together with their Legendre polynomial expansions and data from the literature if available. The a{sub l} coefficients of the Legendre polynomial expansions are given in the Appendix. (orig.). [Deutsch] Winkelverteilungen differentieller Wirkungsquerschnitte der Reaktion {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C wurden bei 19 Inzidenzenergien zwischen 7 und 16 MeV gemessen. Neben der Bestimmung der differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte der {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.)-Reaktion wurden auch jene der Rekationen {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(E{sub ex}) mit E{sub ex} = 4.439, 7.654, 9.641, 10.84, 11.83 und 12.71 MeV ermittelt. Moegliche Quellen von Unsicherheiten wurden detailliert untersucht, die Ergebnisse hierzu sind in Teil 1 publiziert worden. Alle partiellen und auch integrierten Wirkungsquerschnitte zur {sup 9}Be({alpha},n){sup 12}C(g.s.)-Reaktion wurden mit Unsicherheiten kleiner als 5% bestimmt. An die Winkelverteilungen sind Legendre-Polynome mit der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate angepasst worden. Ein Vergleich der gemessenen Wirkungsquerschnitte mit den Daten anderer Autoren sowie einer Evaluation zeigt betraechtliche Abweichungen in einer Reihe von Faellen. Ferner wurde geprueft, wie gut eine Interpolation der Legendre-Koeffizienten Absoluthoehe und Form der experimentellen Winkelverteilungen wiedergeben kann. Alle Winkelverteilungen sind in Abbildungen dargestellt, zusammen mit den Kurven der Legendre-Polynome sowie Daten aus der Literatur, soweit verfuegbar. Die a{sub l}-Koeffizienten der Legendre-Entwicklungen werden in einem Anhang aufgelistet. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1992}
month = {Apr}