The solubility and speciation of actinides (Am, Np, Pu and Th), fission products (Cs, I and Tc), corrosion products (Cu, Fe and Pb) were calculated using geochemical codes PHREEQE and EQ3NR. Simulated granitewater, bentonitewater and natural groundwater from the test borehole in Sievi (depth 739-479m) were used. Sievi is one of the five prelimanary site investigation areas in Finland for the final disposal of the spent nuclear fuel. The CHEMVAL 2 database with some added data for corrosion products and CHEMVAL 3 databases were used.
Snellman, M
- Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, Otaniemi (Finland). Reaktorilaboratorio
Citation Formats
Snellman, M.
Solubility of actinides, fission and corrosion products in simulated groundwaters and Sievi groundwater - PHREEQE and EQ3NR calculations; Aktinidien sekae fissio- ja korroosiotuotteiden liukoisuudet simuloiduissa pohjavesissae ja Sievin pohjavedessae - PHREEQE ja EQ3NR mallilaskut.
Finland: N. p.,
Snellman, M.
Solubility of actinides, fission and corrosion products in simulated groundwaters and Sievi groundwater - PHREEQE and EQ3NR calculations; Aktinidien sekae fissio- ja korroosiotuotteiden liukoisuudet simuloiduissa pohjavesissae ja Sievin pohjavedessae - PHREEQE ja EQ3NR mallilaskut.
Snellman, M.
"Solubility of actinides, fission and corrosion products in simulated groundwaters and Sievi groundwater - PHREEQE and EQ3NR calculations; Aktinidien sekae fissio- ja korroosiotuotteiden liukoisuudet simuloiduissa pohjavesissae ja Sievin pohjavedessae - PHREEQE ja EQ3NR mallilaskut."
title = {Solubility of actinides, fission and corrosion products in simulated groundwaters and Sievi groundwater - PHREEQE and EQ3NR calculations; Aktinidien sekae fissio- ja korroosiotuotteiden liukoisuudet simuloiduissa pohjavesissae ja Sievin pohjavedessae - PHREEQE ja EQ3NR mallilaskut}
author = {Snellman, M}
abstractNote = {The solubility and speciation of actinides (Am, Np, Pu and Th), fission products (Cs, I and Tc), corrosion products (Cu, Fe and Pb) were calculated using geochemical codes PHREEQE and EQ3NR. Simulated granitewater, bentonitewater and natural groundwater from the test borehole in Sievi (depth 739-479m) were used. Sievi is one of the five prelimanary site investigation areas in Finland for the final disposal of the spent nuclear fuel. The CHEMVAL 2 database with some added data for corrosion products and CHEMVAL 3 databases were used.}
place = {Finland}
year = {1990}
month = {Feb}
title = {Solubility of actinides, fission and corrosion products in simulated groundwaters and Sievi groundwater - PHREEQE and EQ3NR calculations; Aktinidien sekae fissio- ja korroosiotuotteiden liukoisuudet simuloiduissa pohjavesissae ja Sievin pohjavedessae - PHREEQE ja EQ3NR mallilaskut}
author = {Snellman, M}
abstractNote = {The solubility and speciation of actinides (Am, Np, Pu and Th), fission products (Cs, I and Tc), corrosion products (Cu, Fe and Pb) were calculated using geochemical codes PHREEQE and EQ3NR. Simulated granitewater, bentonitewater and natural groundwater from the test borehole in Sievi (depth 739-479m) were used. Sievi is one of the five prelimanary site investigation areas in Finland for the final disposal of the spent nuclear fuel. The CHEMVAL 2 database with some added data for corrosion products and CHEMVAL 3 databases were used.}
place = {Finland}
year = {1990}
month = {Feb}