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Developing the quality-based graduation of fuels; Polttoaineiden laatuporrastuksen kehittaeminen


In autumn 2008 the Finnish Ministry of Finance commissioned a study from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland on the possibilities of developing a graduated system of fuel taxation based on the quality of the fuel. The purpose was to decide whether it would be possible to promote the use of environmentally friendly fuels by, for example, graduating the energy taxes levied on fuels on the basis of carbon dioxide and other emissions. The study focused particularly on the energy products used in traffic and their environmental benefits. The boundary conditions for quality-based graduation set in entity regulations were presented and alternative tax models for the graduation of the energy taxes levied on fuels were studied. According to the report, fuels or alternative energy sources that are better in terms of carbon dioxide and harmful emissions already exist and are on the market. The use of better quality fuels and the introduction of new fuels of this kind to the market can be promoted by the quality-based graduation of fuel taxation. (orig.)
Publication Date:
Mar 15, 2010
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: 96 refs.
Research Organizations:
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo (Finland)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISBN 978-951-38-7568-8; ISBN 978-951-38-7569-5; TRN: FI1103037
Available at or from VTT's Knowledge Solutions. e-mail:
Submitting Site:
[207] p. pages
Announcement Date:
Apr 04, 2011

Citation Formats

Nylund, N -O, Sipilae, K, Maekinen, T, and Aakko-Saksa, P. Developing the quality-based graduation of fuels; Polttoaineiden laatuporrastuksen kehittaeminen. Finland: N. p., 2010. Web.
Nylund, N -O, Sipilae, K, Maekinen, T, & Aakko-Saksa, P. Developing the quality-based graduation of fuels; Polttoaineiden laatuporrastuksen kehittaeminen. Finland.
Nylund, N -O, Sipilae, K, Maekinen, T, and Aakko-Saksa, P. 2010. "Developing the quality-based graduation of fuels; Polttoaineiden laatuporrastuksen kehittaeminen." Finland.
title = {Developing the quality-based graduation of fuels; Polttoaineiden laatuporrastuksen kehittaeminen}
author = {Nylund, N -O, Sipilae, K, Maekinen, T, and Aakko-Saksa, P}
abstractNote = {In autumn 2008 the Finnish Ministry of Finance commissioned a study from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland on the possibilities of developing a graduated system of fuel taxation based on the quality of the fuel. The purpose was to decide whether it would be possible to promote the use of environmentally friendly fuels by, for example, graduating the energy taxes levied on fuels on the basis of carbon dioxide and other emissions. The study focused particularly on the energy products used in traffic and their environmental benefits. The boundary conditions for quality-based graduation set in entity regulations were presented and alternative tax models for the graduation of the energy taxes levied on fuels were studied. According to the report, fuels or alternative energy sources that are better in terms of carbon dioxide and harmful emissions already exist and are on the market. The use of better quality fuels and the introduction of new fuels of this kind to the market can be promoted by the quality-based graduation of fuel taxation. (orig.)}
place = {Finland}
year = {2010}
month = {Mar}