We recently proposed a stochastic technique by which one can compute numerically the coefficients of the weak coupling perturbative expansion of any observable in Lattice Gauge Theory. We present the result for the simple plaquette of SU(3) up to fourth loop order ({beta}{sup -4}) which extends by one loop the previously known series. We discuss the possibility of extracting the condensate from the plaquette Monte Carlo data and we comment on a possible scenario of high order perturbation theory. ((orig.)).
Di Renzo, F;
Marchesini, G;
Marenzoni, P;
Onofri, E
- Parma Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica
- Dipartimento di Fisica Universita di Milano, Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milano (Italy)
- Dipartimento di Scienze dell`Informazione, Facolta di Ingegneria Universita di Parma, Viale delle Scienze, 43100 Parma (Italy)
Citation Formats
Di Renzo, F, Marchesini, G, Marenzoni, P, and Onofri, E.
Weak coupling perturbation theory by Langevin dynamics: fourth loop and beyond.
Netherlands: N. p.,
Di Renzo, F, Marchesini, G, Marenzoni, P, & Onofri, E.
Weak coupling perturbation theory by Langevin dynamics: fourth loop and beyond.
Di Renzo, F, Marchesini, G, Marenzoni, P, and Onofri, E.
"Weak coupling perturbation theory by Langevin dynamics: fourth loop and beyond."
title = {Weak coupling perturbation theory by Langevin dynamics: fourth loop and beyond}
author = {Di Renzo, F, Marchesini, G, Marenzoni, P, and Onofri, E}
abstractNote = {We recently proposed a stochastic technique by which one can compute numerically the coefficients of the weak coupling perturbative expansion of any observable in Lattice Gauge Theory. We present the result for the simple plaquette of SU(3) up to fourth loop order ({beta}{sup -4}) which extends by one loop the previously known series. We discuss the possibility of extracting the condensate from the plaquette Monte Carlo data and we comment on a possible scenario of high order perturbation theory. ((orig.)).}
doi = {10.1016/0920-5632(95)00405-X}
journal = []
volume = {42}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1995}
month = {Apr}
title = {Weak coupling perturbation theory by Langevin dynamics: fourth loop and beyond}
author = {Di Renzo, F, Marchesini, G, Marenzoni, P, and Onofri, E}
abstractNote = {We recently proposed a stochastic technique by which one can compute numerically the coefficients of the weak coupling perturbative expansion of any observable in Lattice Gauge Theory. We present the result for the simple plaquette of SU(3) up to fourth loop order ({beta}{sup -4}) which extends by one loop the previously known series. We discuss the possibility of extracting the condensate from the plaquette Monte Carlo data and we comment on a possible scenario of high order perturbation theory. ((orig.)).}
doi = {10.1016/0920-5632(95)00405-X}
journal = []
volume = {42}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1995}
month = {Apr}