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5th December 1990 - Royal Order amending the provisions of the General Regulations for protection at work, concerning the protection of workers against the hazards of ionizing radiation; 5 Decembre 1990 - Arrete royal modifiant les dispositions du Reglement general pour la protection du travail concernant la protection des travailleurs contre les risques dus aux radiations ionisantes


This Royal Order amending the 1946 General Regulations for the protection of workers against the hazards of ionizing radiation implements on a national level the European Community Directives No. 80/836 Euratom of 15 July 1980 laying down basic safety standards for the health protection of the general public and workers against the hazards of ionizing radiations and No. 84/466 Euratom of 3 September 1984 laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of persons undergoing medical examination or treatment. [Francais] Cet Arrete royal qui modifie le Reglement general de 1946 pour la protection des travailleurs contre les rayonnements ionisants met en application sur le plan national les Directives communautaires n{sup 0} 80/836 Euratom du 15 juillet 1980 fixant les normes de base relatives a la protection sanitaire de la population et des travailleurs contre les dangers des rayonnements ionisants et n{sup 0} 84/466 Euratom du 3 septembre 1984 fixant les mesures fondamentales relatives a la protection des personnes soumises a des examens et traitements medicaux.
Publication Date:
Dec 20, 1990
Product Type:
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 056000; PA: AIX-22:086325; SN: 91000610918
Resource Relation:
Other Information: DN: Published in Moniteur Belge, pp. 23611-23622. Document also in Flemish.; PBD: 20 Dec 1990
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE92611227; TRN: BE91XN007086325
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS
Submitting Site:
12 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

None. 5th December 1990 - Royal Order amending the provisions of the General Regulations for protection at work, concerning the protection of workers against the hazards of ionizing radiation; 5 Decembre 1990 - Arrete royal modifiant les dispositions du Reglement general pour la protection du travail concernant la protection des travailleurs contre les risques dus aux radiations ionisantes. Belgium: N. p., 1990. Web.
None. 5th December 1990 - Royal Order amending the provisions of the General Regulations for protection at work, concerning the protection of workers against the hazards of ionizing radiation; 5 Decembre 1990 - Arrete royal modifiant les dispositions du Reglement general pour la protection du travail concernant la protection des travailleurs contre les risques dus aux radiations ionisantes. Belgium.
None. 1990. "5th December 1990 - Royal Order amending the provisions of the General Regulations for protection at work, concerning the protection of workers against the hazards of ionizing radiation; 5 Decembre 1990 - Arrete royal modifiant les dispositions du Reglement general pour la protection du travail concernant la protection des travailleurs contre les risques dus aux radiations ionisantes." Belgium.
title = {5th December 1990 - Royal Order amending the provisions of the General Regulations for protection at work, concerning the protection of workers against the hazards of ionizing radiation; 5 Decembre 1990 - Arrete royal modifiant les dispositions du Reglement general pour la protection du travail concernant la protection des travailleurs contre les risques dus aux radiations ionisantes}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {This Royal Order amending the 1946 General Regulations for the protection of workers against the hazards of ionizing radiation implements on a national level the European Community Directives No. 80/836 Euratom of 15 July 1980 laying down basic safety standards for the health protection of the general public and workers against the hazards of ionizing radiations and No. 84/466 Euratom of 3 September 1984 laying down basic measures for the radiation protection of persons undergoing medical examination or treatment. [Francais] Cet Arrete royal qui modifie le Reglement general de 1946 pour la protection des travailleurs contre les rayonnements ionisants met en application sur le plan national les Directives communautaires n{sup 0} 80/836 Euratom du 15 juillet 1980 fixant les normes de base relatives a la protection sanitaire de la population et des travailleurs contre les dangers des rayonnements ionisants et n{sup 0} 84/466 Euratom du 3 septembre 1984 fixant les mesures fondamentales relatives a la protection des personnes soumises a des examens et traitements medicaux.}
place = {Belgium}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}