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Decree No. 91-355 of 12 April 1991 defining, in application of article 4 of revised Act No. 68-943 of 30 October 1968, the characteristics of low risk installations; Decret no 91-355 du 12 avril 1991 definissant en application de l`article 4 de la loi no 68-943 du 30 octobre 1968 modifiee les caracteristiques des installations a risque reduit


This Decree, made in implementation of Act No. 68-943 of 30 October 1968, defines the characteristics of large nuclear installations and on-site related facilities required for their operation which are considered as low risk installations according to that Act. [Francais] Ce Decret, pris en application de la loi no 68-943 du 30 octobre 1968, definit les caracteristiques des installations nucleaires de base et des installations annexes necessaires a leur fonctionnement et comprises dans leur perimetre, qui sont considerees comme des installations a risque reduit conformement a la loi precitee.
Publication Date:
Apr 14, 1991
Product Type:
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 220901; PA: AIX-22:086333; SN: 91000610921
Resource Relation:
Other Information: DN: Published in Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise, pp. 4961-4963.; PBD: 14 Apr 1991
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE92611230; TRN: FR91XN012086333
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS
Submitting Site:
3 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

None. Decree No. 91-355 of 12 April 1991 defining, in application of article 4 of revised Act No. 68-943 of 30 October 1968, the characteristics of low risk installations; Decret no 91-355 du 12 avril 1991 definissant en application de l`article 4 de la loi no 68-943 du 30 octobre 1968 modifiee les caracteristiques des installations a risque reduit. France: N. p., 1991. Web.
None. Decree No. 91-355 of 12 April 1991 defining, in application of article 4 of revised Act No. 68-943 of 30 October 1968, the characteristics of low risk installations; Decret no 91-355 du 12 avril 1991 definissant en application de l`article 4 de la loi no 68-943 du 30 octobre 1968 modifiee les caracteristiques des installations a risque reduit. France.
None. 1991. "Decree No. 91-355 of 12 April 1991 defining, in application of article 4 of revised Act No. 68-943 of 30 October 1968, the characteristics of low risk installations; Decret no 91-355 du 12 avril 1991 definissant en application de l`article 4 de la loi no 68-943 du 30 octobre 1968 modifiee les caracteristiques des installations a risque reduit." France.
title = {Decree No. 91-355 of 12 April 1991 defining, in application of article 4 of revised Act No. 68-943 of 30 October 1968, the characteristics of low risk installations; Decret no 91-355 du 12 avril 1991 definissant en application de l`article 4 de la loi no 68-943 du 30 octobre 1968 modifiee les caracteristiques des installations a risque reduit}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {This Decree, made in implementation of Act No. 68-943 of 30 October 1968, defines the characteristics of large nuclear installations and on-site related facilities required for their operation which are considered as low risk installations according to that Act. [Francais] Ce Decret, pris en application de la loi no 68-943 du 30 octobre 1968, definit les caracteristiques des installations nucleaires de base et des installations annexes necessaires a leur fonctionnement et comprises dans leur perimetre, qui sont considerees comme des installations a risque reduit conformement a la loi precitee.}
place = {France}
year = {1991}
month = {Apr}