The present report contains the Summary of the IAEA Specialists` Meeting (SPM) on ``Comparison of Activation Cross Section Measurements and Experimental Techniques for Fusion Reactor Technology``, held at the Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI, Japan, from 15 to 17 November 1993. This SPM was organized by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section (NDS) with the co-operation and assistance of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The purpose of the Specialists` Meeting was to form an international programme of the comparison of activation cross section measurements and experimental techniques useful in reactor technology. It was agreed that new activation measurements be performed at the Fusion Neutronics Source Facility (FNS) of JAERI, neutron source facilities of the V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, and in the Institute of Experimental Physics, Debrecen, Hungary. A list of the most important reactions has been prepared. Fourteen experts from seven Member States attended the meeting. The conclusions and recommendations are presented on the basis of discussions held by meeting participants. (author). 4 tabs.
Pashchenko, A B
- International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria). Nuclear Data Section
Citation Formats
Pashchenko, A B.
Comparison of activation cross section measurements and experimental techniques for fusion reactor technology. Summary report of the IAEA specialists` meeting held at the Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI, Japan, 15 to 17 November 1993.
IAEA: N. p.,
Pashchenko, A B.
Comparison of activation cross section measurements and experimental techniques for fusion reactor technology. Summary report of the IAEA specialists` meeting held at the Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI, Japan, 15 to 17 November 1993.
Pashchenko, A B.
"Comparison of activation cross section measurements and experimental techniques for fusion reactor technology. Summary report of the IAEA specialists` meeting held at the Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI, Japan, 15 to 17 November 1993."
title = {Comparison of activation cross section measurements and experimental techniques for fusion reactor technology. Summary report of the IAEA specialists` meeting held at the Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI, Japan, 15 to 17 November 1993}
author = {Pashchenko, A B}
abstractNote = {The present report contains the Summary of the IAEA Specialists` Meeting (SPM) on ``Comparison of Activation Cross Section Measurements and Experimental Techniques for Fusion Reactor Technology``, held at the Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI, Japan, from 15 to 17 November 1993. This SPM was organized by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section (NDS) with the co-operation and assistance of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The purpose of the Specialists` Meeting was to form an international programme of the comparison of activation cross section measurements and experimental techniques useful in reactor technology. It was agreed that new activation measurements be performed at the Fusion Neutronics Source Facility (FNS) of JAERI, neutron source facilities of the V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, and in the Institute of Experimental Physics, Debrecen, Hungary. A list of the most important reactions has been prepared. Fourteen experts from seven Member States attended the meeting. The conclusions and recommendations are presented on the basis of discussions held by meeting participants. (author). 4 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1994}
month = {Jul}
title = {Comparison of activation cross section measurements and experimental techniques for fusion reactor technology. Summary report of the IAEA specialists` meeting held at the Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI, Japan, 15 to 17 November 1993}
author = {Pashchenko, A B}
abstractNote = {The present report contains the Summary of the IAEA Specialists` Meeting (SPM) on ``Comparison of Activation Cross Section Measurements and Experimental Techniques for Fusion Reactor Technology``, held at the Tokai Research Establishment, JAERI, Japan, from 15 to 17 November 1993. This SPM was organized by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section (NDS) with the co-operation and assistance of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The purpose of the Specialists` Meeting was to form an international programme of the comparison of activation cross section measurements and experimental techniques useful in reactor technology. It was agreed that new activation measurements be performed at the Fusion Neutronics Source Facility (FNS) of JAERI, neutron source facilities of the V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, and in the Institute of Experimental Physics, Debrecen, Hungary. A list of the most important reactions has been prepared. Fourteen experts from seven Member States attended the meeting. The conclusions and recommendations are presented on the basis of discussions held by meeting participants. (author). 4 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1994}
month = {Jul}