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Effect of low doses gamma irradiation on the yield of cucumber grown under field and protected conditions


Presowing seed irradiation has been reported as a useful application of radiation in agriculture to stimulate growth and increase the yield of certain field crops. To the best of our knowledge the feasibility of this treatment has not yet been tested on cucumber in Syria. Our experiments were carried out in field and greenhouse conditions. Two experiments were under field conditions, the first at Der-El-Hajar (Unfertile soil with high mean temperature), and the second at Khan-El-Sheeh (fertile soil with lower mean temperature), in these two experiments local variety was used. The third experiment was under greenhouse condition using two varieties, F1 Hybrid Taha and Sahara. Samples of air dried seeds of previous season were irradiated by gamma rays from a {sup 60} Co source using doses of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 Gy at dose rate of 0.8 Gy/min. Seeds were planted after two days from irradiation and replicated 4 times. The data revealed that gamma irradiation at interval doses of 3-7.5 Gy led to increase the number of leaves and plant height. The radiation treatment had stimulating effects on earliness especially for doses of 4-7.5 Gy in Khan-El-Sheeh (14-31%) and 7.5 Gy in Der-El-Hajar (28%). In  More>>
Al-Oudat, M; Ayyoubi, Z; Razzouk, A K [1] 
  1. Atomic Energy Commission, Damascus (Syrian Arab Republic). Dept. of Radiation Agriculture
Publication Date:
Aug 01, 1994
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 553002; PA: AIX-26:005547; EDB-95:010215; SN: 95001299062
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: Aug 1994
Research Organizations:
Atomic Energy Commission, Damascus (Syrian Arab Republic). Dept. of Radiation Agriculture
Country of Origin:
Syrian Arab Republic
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE95609877; TRN: SY9400316005547
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS
Submitting Site:
50 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Al-Oudat, M, Ayyoubi, Z, and Razzouk, A K. Effect of low doses gamma irradiation on the yield of cucumber grown under field and protected conditions. Syrian Arab Republic: N. p., 1994. Web.
Al-Oudat, M, Ayyoubi, Z, & Razzouk, A K. Effect of low doses gamma irradiation on the yield of cucumber grown under field and protected conditions. Syrian Arab Republic.
Al-Oudat, M, Ayyoubi, Z, and Razzouk, A K. 1994. "Effect of low doses gamma irradiation on the yield of cucumber grown under field and protected conditions." Syrian Arab Republic.
title = {Effect of low doses gamma irradiation on the yield of cucumber grown under field and protected conditions}
author = {Al-Oudat, M, Ayyoubi, Z, and Razzouk, A K}
abstractNote = {Presowing seed irradiation has been reported as a useful application of radiation in agriculture to stimulate growth and increase the yield of certain field crops. To the best of our knowledge the feasibility of this treatment has not yet been tested on cucumber in Syria. Our experiments were carried out in field and greenhouse conditions. Two experiments were under field conditions, the first at Der-El-Hajar (Unfertile soil with high mean temperature), and the second at Khan-El-Sheeh (fertile soil with lower mean temperature), in these two experiments local variety was used. The third experiment was under greenhouse condition using two varieties, F1 Hybrid Taha and Sahara. Samples of air dried seeds of previous season were irradiated by gamma rays from a {sup 60} Co source using doses of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 Gy at dose rate of 0.8 Gy/min. Seeds were planted after two days from irradiation and replicated 4 times. The data revealed that gamma irradiation at interval doses of 3-7.5 Gy led to increase the number of leaves and plant height. The radiation treatment had stimulating effects on earliness especially for doses of 4-7.5 Gy in Khan-El-Sheeh (14-31%) and 7.5 Gy in Der-El-Hajar (28%). In greenhouse dose of 2-4 Gy and 2-7.5 Gy stimulate the earliness by 12-36% and 11-18% for Sahara and Taha varieties respectively. The results of total yield (as well as fruits number) were significantly increased when doses of 7.5 Gy in Der-El-Hajar (25%) and 4 and 5 Gy in Khan-El-Sheeh (28-30%). The optimum doses in greenhouse condition ranged between 32-4 Gy for Taha var. and 4-5 Gy for Sahara var., and the percentage of increment was 19 and 16% respectively. In view of all above mentioned results, the use of radiation might be recommended as easy tool for seed treatment to stimulate earliness and increase productivity of cucumber. (author). 17 refs., 23 tabs.}
place = {Syrian Arab Republic}
year = {1994}
month = {Aug}