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Evaluation of an user interface prototype of BEMCS; Rakennusautomaatiojaerjestelmaen kaeyttoeliittymaeprototyypin testaus


Residential, commercial and public buildings account for approximately 25 % of the total end use of energy in Finland. The potential of increasing end use efficiency has been estimated 30 % for fuel use and 20 % for electricity. The efficiency and expediency of building energy use can be affected by systematic architecture and design practice based on the needs of the users and other interest groups of the building. From the viewpoint of improving the functional and energy-economical quality of buildings and increasing the productivity of construction it is appropriate to divide the building energy system into functional modules, the technical performance requirements of which are documented individually. The functional modules of a building energy system are room module, transfer module, handling module and conversion and storage module. Defining the performance requirements of the individual modules aims at functional compatibility and an open, supplier independent construction process. Defining the required properties of a building energy system is based on the needs of building users and other interest groups. A general definition model has been developed in order to systemize the definition process. The model includes a step-by-step detailing model of the system under development and a mechanism for evaluating  More>>
Laitila, P; [1]  Antikainen, J [2] 
  1. Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo (Finland). Lab. of Heating and Ventilation
  2. Rakennus-Ekono Oy, Espoo (Finland)
Publication Date:
Dec 31, 1992
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 320100; PA: FI-94:003532; EDB-95:007995; SN: 94001284777
Resource Relation:
Other Information: DN: LVIS2000 Research Programme; PBD: 1992
Research Organizations:
Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo (Finland). Lab. of Heating and Ventilation
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE95717473; ISBN 952-9601-07-7; TRN: FI9403532
Submitting Site:
74 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Laitila, P, and Antikainen, J. Evaluation of an user interface prototype of BEMCS; Rakennusautomaatiojaerjestelmaen kaeyttoeliittymaeprototyypin testaus. Finland: N. p., 1992. Web.
Laitila, P, & Antikainen, J. Evaluation of an user interface prototype of BEMCS; Rakennusautomaatiojaerjestelmaen kaeyttoeliittymaeprototyypin testaus. Finland.
Laitila, P, and Antikainen, J. 1992. "Evaluation of an user interface prototype of BEMCS; Rakennusautomaatiojaerjestelmaen kaeyttoeliittymaeprototyypin testaus." Finland.
title = {Evaluation of an user interface prototype of BEMCS; Rakennusautomaatiojaerjestelmaen kaeyttoeliittymaeprototyypin testaus}
author = {Laitila, P, and Antikainen, J}
abstractNote = {Residential, commercial and public buildings account for approximately 25 % of the total end use of energy in Finland. The potential of increasing end use efficiency has been estimated 30 % for fuel use and 20 % for electricity. The efficiency and expediency of building energy use can be affected by systematic architecture and design practice based on the needs of the users and other interest groups of the building. From the viewpoint of improving the functional and energy-economical quality of buildings and increasing the productivity of construction it is appropriate to divide the building energy system into functional modules, the technical performance requirements of which are documented individually. The functional modules of a building energy system are room module, transfer module, handling module and conversion and storage module. Defining the performance requirements of the individual modules aims at functional compatibility and an open, supplier independent construction process. Defining the required properties of a building energy system is based on the needs of building users and other interest groups. A general definition model has been developed in order to systemize the definition process. The model includes a step-by-step detailing model of the system under development and a mechanism for evaluating the importance of different design details in fulfilling the customer`s needs. The definition model aims at hiding technical details in the early stages of the design process and focusing the design on functionality and the needs of the users. On the other hand the definition model is suitable for use as a tool for implementing the general quality requirement systematics of construction as far as the energy system is concerned}
place = {Finland}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}