PARR-2 is a miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) research reactor has been designed at the rate of 27 kW. Reactor assembly comprises of peaking characteristics with a self limiting flux. In this report reactor description with its assembly and instrumentation control system has been explained. The reactor engineering and physics experiments which can be performed on this reactor are explained in this report. PARR-2 is fueled with HEU fuel pins which are about 90% enriched in U-235. Specific requirements for the safety of the reactor, its building and the personnel, normal instrumentation as required in an industrial environment is sufficient. (A.B.). 22 fig.
Citation Formats
Wyne, M F, and Meghji, J H.
PARR-2: reactor description and experiments.
Pakistan: N. p.,
Wyne, M F, & Meghji, J H.
PARR-2: reactor description and experiments.
Wyne, M F, and Meghji, J H.
"PARR-2: reactor description and experiments."
title = {PARR-2: reactor description and experiments}
author = {Wyne, M F, and Meghji, J H}
abstractNote = {PARR-2 is a miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) research reactor has been designed at the rate of 27 kW. Reactor assembly comprises of peaking characteristics with a self limiting flux. In this report reactor description with its assembly and instrumentation control system has been explained. The reactor engineering and physics experiments which can be performed on this reactor are explained in this report. PARR-2 is fueled with HEU fuel pins which are about 90% enriched in U-235. Specific requirements for the safety of the reactor, its building and the personnel, normal instrumentation as required in an industrial environment is sufficient. (A.B.). 22 fig.}
place = {Pakistan}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}
title = {PARR-2: reactor description and experiments}
author = {Wyne, M F, and Meghji, J H}
abstractNote = {PARR-2 is a miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) research reactor has been designed at the rate of 27 kW. Reactor assembly comprises of peaking characteristics with a self limiting flux. In this report reactor description with its assembly and instrumentation control system has been explained. The reactor engineering and physics experiments which can be performed on this reactor are explained in this report. PARR-2 is fueled with HEU fuel pins which are about 90% enriched in U-235. Specific requirements for the safety of the reactor, its building and the personnel, normal instrumentation as required in an industrial environment is sufficient. (A.B.). 22 fig.}
place = {Pakistan}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}