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Investigation of the vacuum system with a common power supply of sputter-ion pumps and measuring current discharge with a Hall pickup; Issledovanie vakuumnoj sistemy s kollektivnym ehlektropitaniem magnitorazryadnykh nasosov i izmereniem toka razryada datchikom Kholla


The vacuum system with a common supply of sputter pumps for UNK has experimentally been investigated. It is shown that one power supply source connected directly to several pumps provides their reliable operation both in the starting modes at 6.6 Pa -5x10{sup -7} Pa. The modes of treating the chamber with the discharge in argone have been studies. It become clear that the chamber might be treated with special electrodes connected to the collective power supply. The scheme to measure the discharge current in the pump which uses the Holl pickup has been worked out and tested. It allows one to measure the current within the range from 1 {mu}A to 700 mA with a 10-20% accuracy. The results obtained may be used in designing power supply and control circuits in the vacuum facilities with a large number of sputter pumps. 3 refs.; 5 figs.; 1 tab.
Publication Date:
Dec 31, 1989
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 430400; PA: AIX-23:005475; SN: 91000615806
Resource Relation:
Other Information: DN: Submitted to scintific-technical collections Problems of Nuclear Science and Engineering.; PBD: 1989
Research Organizations:
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol`zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Serpukhov (Russian Federation). Inst. Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE92611806; TRN: SU9107982005475
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS
Submitting Site:
10 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Antonov, S S, Pylaev, A N, Rogozinskij, V G, and Kholkina, A I. Investigation of the vacuum system with a common power supply of sputter-ion pumps and measuring current discharge with a Hall pickup; Issledovanie vakuumnoj sistemy s kollektivnym ehlektropitaniem magnitorazryadnykh nasosov i izmereniem toka razryada datchikom Kholla. USSR: N. p., 1989. Web.
Antonov, S S, Pylaev, A N, Rogozinskij, V G, & Kholkina, A I. Investigation of the vacuum system with a common power supply of sputter-ion pumps and measuring current discharge with a Hall pickup; Issledovanie vakuumnoj sistemy s kollektivnym ehlektropitaniem magnitorazryadnykh nasosov i izmereniem toka razryada datchikom Kholla. USSR.
Antonov, S S, Pylaev, A N, Rogozinskij, V G, and Kholkina, A I. 1989. "Investigation of the vacuum system with a common power supply of sputter-ion pumps and measuring current discharge with a Hall pickup; Issledovanie vakuumnoj sistemy s kollektivnym ehlektropitaniem magnitorazryadnykh nasosov i izmereniem toka razryada datchikom Kholla." USSR.
title = {Investigation of the vacuum system with a common power supply of sputter-ion pumps and measuring current discharge with a Hall pickup; Issledovanie vakuumnoj sistemy s kollektivnym ehlektropitaniem magnitorazryadnykh nasosov i izmereniem toka razryada datchikom Kholla}
author = {Antonov, S S, Pylaev, A N, Rogozinskij, V G, and Kholkina, A I}
abstractNote = {The vacuum system with a common supply of sputter pumps for UNK has experimentally been investigated. It is shown that one power supply source connected directly to several pumps provides their reliable operation both in the starting modes at 6.6 Pa -5x10{sup -7} Pa. The modes of treating the chamber with the discharge in argone have been studies. It become clear that the chamber might be treated with special electrodes connected to the collective power supply. The scheme to measure the discharge current in the pump which uses the Holl pickup has been worked out and tested. It allows one to measure the current within the range from 1 {mu}A to 700 mA with a 10-20% accuracy. The results obtained may be used in designing power supply and control circuits in the vacuum facilities with a large number of sputter pumps. 3 refs.; 5 figs.; 1 tab.}
place = {USSR}
year = {1989}
month = {Dec}