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Cost and profitability of biofuel chipping in Alnus incana stands in Lithuania


The demand for forest fuels is increasing in Lithuania. One biofuel source could be grey alder stands, which are currently underused. This study examines the economic feasibility of producing chips from grey alder stands. The research was performed on three grey alder stands. Three chip production technologies were analysed: chips from logging residues, stemwood chips and whole-tree chips. Work time expenditures and costs were assessed for each mode of chip production. When raw material for chips are sold at the roadside, their production from logging residues is usually not profitable. Profitability of whole-tree raw material for chips depends on forwarding distance. Production of raw material for chips from stemwood is profitable. When chips are sold at the heating plant, production is profitable if the chips are made from stemwood and whole trees. Production of chips from logging residues can be profitable if forwarding distances are short. If it is desired to promote the use of grey alder stands for fuel, the problem of the competing profitability of this raw material for chip production should be solved by instituting subsidies or increasing its price
Mizaras, Stasys; Sadauskiene, Liana; Mizaraite, Diana [1] 
  1. Department of Forest Resources, Economics and Policy, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Inst. of Forestry, Girionys, (Lithuania)
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 2011
Product Type:
Journal Article
Resource Relation:
Journal Name: Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research; Journal Volume: 26; Journal Issue: 2; Other Information: 18 refs., 3 figs., 5 tabs.; 10.1080/02827581.2010.540255
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Journal ID: ISSN 0282-7581; TRN: SE1107040
Available from DOI:
Submitting Site:
page(s) 154-160
Announcement Date:
Mar 14, 2011

Citation Formats

Mizaras, Stasys, Sadauskiene, Liana, and Mizaraite, Diana. Cost and profitability of biofuel chipping in Alnus incana stands in Lithuania. Sweden: N. p., 2011. Web. doi:10.1080/02827581.2010.540255.
Mizaras, Stasys, Sadauskiene, Liana, & Mizaraite, Diana. Cost and profitability of biofuel chipping in Alnus incana stands in Lithuania. Sweden.
Mizaras, Stasys, Sadauskiene, Liana, and Mizaraite, Diana. 2011. "Cost and profitability of biofuel chipping in Alnus incana stands in Lithuania." Sweden.
title = {Cost and profitability of biofuel chipping in Alnus incana stands in Lithuania}
author = {Mizaras, Stasys, Sadauskiene, Liana, and Mizaraite, Diana}
abstractNote = {The demand for forest fuels is increasing in Lithuania. One biofuel source could be grey alder stands, which are currently underused. This study examines the economic feasibility of producing chips from grey alder stands. The research was performed on three grey alder stands. Three chip production technologies were analysed: chips from logging residues, stemwood chips and whole-tree chips. Work time expenditures and costs were assessed for each mode of chip production. When raw material for chips are sold at the roadside, their production from logging residues is usually not profitable. Profitability of whole-tree raw material for chips depends on forwarding distance. Production of raw material for chips from stemwood is profitable. When chips are sold at the heating plant, production is profitable if the chips are made from stemwood and whole trees. Production of chips from logging residues can be profitable if forwarding distances are short. If it is desired to promote the use of grey alder stands for fuel, the problem of the competing profitability of this raw material for chip production should be solved by instituting subsidies or increasing its price}
doi = {10.1080/02827581.2010.540255}
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issue = {2}
volume = {26}
place = {Sweden}
year = {2011}
month = {Jul}