All operators on the Norwegian shelf in accordance with the Pollution Control Act annually submit emissions reports. In the last revision of the HSE regulations for the petroleum industry, from 1st January 2011, is the overarching requirement for annual reporting contained in the Management Regulations {section} 34 c. Detailed requirements for annual reporting process is now removed from the Regulations (Data Regulations {section} 9 with attachments) and into the present guidelines. (AG)
Citation Formats
Guidelines for reporting from offshore petroleum activities; Retningslinjer for rapportering fra petroleumsvirksomhet til havs.
Norway: N. p.,
Guidelines for reporting from offshore petroleum activities; Retningslinjer for rapportering fra petroleumsvirksomhet til havs.
"Guidelines for reporting from offshore petroleum activities; Retningslinjer for rapportering fra petroleumsvirksomhet til havs."
title = {Guidelines for reporting from offshore petroleum activities; Retningslinjer for rapportering fra petroleumsvirksomhet til havs}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {All operators on the Norwegian shelf in accordance with the Pollution Control Act annually submit emissions reports. In the last revision of the HSE regulations for the petroleum industry, from 1st January 2011, is the overarching requirement for annual reporting contained in the Management Regulations {section} 34 c. Detailed requirements for annual reporting process is now removed from the Regulations (Data Regulations {section} 9 with attachments) and into the present guidelines. (AG)}
place = {Norway}
year = {2010}
month = {Jul}
title = {Guidelines for reporting from offshore petroleum activities; Retningslinjer for rapportering fra petroleumsvirksomhet til havs}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {All operators on the Norwegian shelf in accordance with the Pollution Control Act annually submit emissions reports. In the last revision of the HSE regulations for the petroleum industry, from 1st January 2011, is the overarching requirement for annual reporting contained in the Management Regulations {section} 34 c. Detailed requirements for annual reporting process is now removed from the Regulations (Data Regulations {section} 9 with attachments) and into the present guidelines. (AG)}
place = {Norway}
year = {2010}
month = {Jul}