An overview is given of the methodology followed in France to evaluate the risk of brittle fracture in transport casks. Various aspects are considered in this evaluation. First; the material characterisation: effect of strain rate and temperature on tensile properties and toughness. Secondly: evaluation of applied stress under dynamic loading and criteria to define worst cases (time, distribution). Thirdly: the global validation is presented to demonstrate that the whole methodology is conservative; consideration of representative analytical cases where initiation is obtained under controlled conditions. Results are presented concerning cast ductile iron and carbon steel materials. (author).
Moulin, D;
Yuritzinn, T;
Sert, G
- CEA Centre d`Etudes de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)
- CEA Centre d`Etudes de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Inst. de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire
Citation Formats
Moulin, D, Yuritzinn, T, and Sert, G.
An overview of R and D work performed in France concerning the risk of brittle fracture of transport casks.
United Kingdom: N. p.,
Moulin, D, Yuritzinn, T, & Sert, G.
An overview of R and D work performed in France concerning the risk of brittle fracture of transport casks.
United Kingdom.
Moulin, D, Yuritzinn, T, and Sert, G.
"An overview of R and D work performed in France concerning the risk of brittle fracture of transport casks."
United Kingdom.
title = {An overview of R and D work performed in France concerning the risk of brittle fracture of transport casks}
author = {Moulin, D, Yuritzinn, T, and Sert, G}
abstractNote = {An overview is given of the methodology followed in France to evaluate the risk of brittle fracture in transport casks. Various aspects are considered in this evaluation. First; the material characterisation: effect of strain rate and temperature on tensile properties and toughness. Secondly: evaluation of applied stress under dynamic loading and criteria to define worst cases (time, distribution). Thirdly: the global validation is presented to demonstrate that the whole methodology is conservative; consideration of representative analytical cases where initiation is obtained under controlled conditions. Results are presented concerning cast ductile iron and carbon steel materials. (author).}
journal = []
issue = {2-3}
volume = {6}
journal type = {AC}
place = {United Kingdom}
year = {1995}
month = {Sep}
title = {An overview of R and D work performed in France concerning the risk of brittle fracture of transport casks}
author = {Moulin, D, Yuritzinn, T, and Sert, G}
abstractNote = {An overview is given of the methodology followed in France to evaluate the risk of brittle fracture in transport casks. Various aspects are considered in this evaluation. First; the material characterisation: effect of strain rate and temperature on tensile properties and toughness. Secondly: evaluation of applied stress under dynamic loading and criteria to define worst cases (time, distribution). Thirdly: the global validation is presented to demonstrate that the whole methodology is conservative; consideration of representative analytical cases where initiation is obtained under controlled conditions. Results are presented concerning cast ductile iron and carbon steel materials. (author).}
journal = []
issue = {2-3}
volume = {6}
journal type = {AC}
place = {United Kingdom}
year = {1995}
month = {Sep}