The use of consumer products containing radioactive substances, recycling and reuse of materials and items containing low levels of radioactivity, disposal of wastes by research laboratories and release of patients with residual radioactivity in their bodies are some practices exempted in India from the application of regulatory controls. The criteria for exemption include small scale of operations involving exempted sources, triviality of individual dose and collective dose, and avoiding wastage of effort and cost of control. However, the use of radioactive in unjustified consumer products is prohibited and authorized products are assessed for safety. Compliance with tests prescribed in standards is mandatory. Recycling of materials and items containing radioactivity is regulated in accordance with prescribed levels of average concentration and surface contamination. Clearance levels and procedures for compliancies are specified in regulations. The levels are based on assessment of dose to workers in recycling industry arising due to (a) external exposure from scrap piles, (b) external exposure from repair of reusable items, (c) dust inhalation in steel foundry/cement plant as well as dose to public, arising due to use of recycled steel in dwellings, furniture etc. Also exposure pathways in disposing of such items are also considered. Small quantities of
Sundara Rao, I S
- Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Bombay (India)
Citation Formats
Sundara Rao, I S.
Application of exemption principles in national regulations.
IAEA: N. p.,
Sundara Rao, I S.
Application of exemption principles in national regulations.
Sundara Rao, I S.
"Application of exemption principles in national regulations."
title = {Application of exemption principles in national regulations}
author = {Sundara Rao, I S}
abstractNote = {The use of consumer products containing radioactive substances, recycling and reuse of materials and items containing low levels of radioactivity, disposal of wastes by research laboratories and release of patients with residual radioactivity in their bodies are some practices exempted in India from the application of regulatory controls. The criteria for exemption include small scale of operations involving exempted sources, triviality of individual dose and collective dose, and avoiding wastage of effort and cost of control. However, the use of radioactive in unjustified consumer products is prohibited and authorized products are assessed for safety. Compliance with tests prescribed in standards is mandatory. Recycling of materials and items containing radioactivity is regulated in accordance with prescribed levels of average concentration and surface contamination. Clearance levels and procedures for compliancies are specified in regulations. The levels are based on assessment of dose to workers in recycling industry arising due to (a) external exposure from scrap piles, (b) external exposure from repair of reusable items, (c) dust inhalation in steel foundry/cement plant as well as dose to public, arising due to use of recycled steel in dwellings, furniture etc. Also exposure pathways in disposing of such items are also considered. Small quantities of radioactive wastes are permitted to be disposed of in public domain based on considerations of dilution, decay and exposure pathways. (author). 5 refs, 2 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1995}
month = {Jul}
title = {Application of exemption principles in national regulations}
author = {Sundara Rao, I S}
abstractNote = {The use of consumer products containing radioactive substances, recycling and reuse of materials and items containing low levels of radioactivity, disposal of wastes by research laboratories and release of patients with residual radioactivity in their bodies are some practices exempted in India from the application of regulatory controls. The criteria for exemption include small scale of operations involving exempted sources, triviality of individual dose and collective dose, and avoiding wastage of effort and cost of control. However, the use of radioactive in unjustified consumer products is prohibited and authorized products are assessed for safety. Compliance with tests prescribed in standards is mandatory. Recycling of materials and items containing radioactivity is regulated in accordance with prescribed levels of average concentration and surface contamination. Clearance levels and procedures for compliancies are specified in regulations. The levels are based on assessment of dose to workers in recycling industry arising due to (a) external exposure from scrap piles, (b) external exposure from repair of reusable items, (c) dust inhalation in steel foundry/cement plant as well as dose to public, arising due to use of recycled steel in dwellings, furniture etc. Also exposure pathways in disposing of such items are also considered. Small quantities of radioactive wastes are permitted to be disposed of in public domain based on considerations of dilution, decay and exposure pathways. (author). 5 refs, 2 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1995}
month = {Jul}