Using a world first installation system, Clough Stena (Asia) Joint Venture (CSAJV) is well underway to completing the Amoco Orient Petroleum Company`s (AOPC) floating production facilities in the South China Sea Liuhua 11-1 field. In order to overcome the installation difficulties created by 320 metre water depth, massive volume and weight of materials and 700 tonne tensioning loads, CSAJV developed the world`s first vertical lay and tension system (VL and T) and undertook a major vessel conversion. The diving support vessel Essar Stena 1 was converted for the Liuhua 11-1 installation project to provide a deepwater mooring installation vessel. It was subsequently renamed the CSO Venturer. The vessel, together with the new VL and T system are said to have proved themselves capable of successfully laying and tensioning mooring components in the deep waters of the South China Sea. fig., photos.
Citation Formats
Another world first for Clough Stena.
Australia: N. p.,
Another world first for Clough Stena.
"Another world first for Clough Stena."
title = {Another world first for Clough Stena}
author = {Anon,}
abstractNote = {Using a world first installation system, Clough Stena (Asia) Joint Venture (CSAJV) is well underway to completing the Amoco Orient Petroleum Company`s (AOPC) floating production facilities in the South China Sea Liuhua 11-1 field. In order to overcome the installation difficulties created by 320 metre water depth, massive volume and weight of materials and 700 tonne tensioning loads, CSAJV developed the world`s first vertical lay and tension system (VL and T) and undertook a major vessel conversion. The diving support vessel Essar Stena 1 was converted for the Liuhua 11-1 installation project to provide a deepwater mooring installation vessel. It was subsequently renamed the CSO Venturer. The vessel, together with the new VL and T system are said to have proved themselves capable of successfully laying and tensioning mooring components in the deep waters of the South China Sea. fig., photos.}
journal = []
journal type = {AC}
place = {Australia}
year = {1995}
month = {Jun}
title = {Another world first for Clough Stena}
author = {Anon,}
abstractNote = {Using a world first installation system, Clough Stena (Asia) Joint Venture (CSAJV) is well underway to completing the Amoco Orient Petroleum Company`s (AOPC) floating production facilities in the South China Sea Liuhua 11-1 field. In order to overcome the installation difficulties created by 320 metre water depth, massive volume and weight of materials and 700 tonne tensioning loads, CSAJV developed the world`s first vertical lay and tension system (VL and T) and undertook a major vessel conversion. The diving support vessel Essar Stena 1 was converted for the Liuhua 11-1 installation project to provide a deepwater mooring installation vessel. It was subsequently renamed the CSO Venturer. The vessel, together with the new VL and T system are said to have proved themselves capable of successfully laying and tensioning mooring components in the deep waters of the South China Sea. fig., photos.}
journal = []
journal type = {AC}
place = {Australia}
year = {1995}
month = {Jun}