A triangular block in the Western Australian sector of the Timor Sea, W94-10, is considered to be in the centre of the most prospective petroleum ground in the region. It is one of 10 adjoining blocks released under exploration permits to hydrocarbon exploration companies. Bids of up to $100 million for the permit on W94-10 have been made by large oil companies. The block is just inside the border of the Australian petroleum resource rent tax regime and not in ZOCA in the Timor Gap, which has debilitating fees, deductions and taxes through production sharing contracts. The results of the bidding will be known in a few weeks. fig.
Citation Formats
Coetsee, Tony.
High stakes in the Timor Sea.
Australia: N. p.,
Coetsee, Tony.
High stakes in the Timor Sea.
Coetsee, Tony.
"High stakes in the Timor Sea."
title = {High stakes in the Timor Sea}
author = {Coetsee, Tony}
abstractNote = {A triangular block in the Western Australian sector of the Timor Sea, W94-10, is considered to be in the centre of the most prospective petroleum ground in the region. It is one of 10 adjoining blocks released under exploration permits to hydrocarbon exploration companies. Bids of up to $100 million for the permit on W94-10 have been made by large oil companies. The block is just inside the border of the Australian petroleum resource rent tax regime and not in ZOCA in the Timor Gap, which has debilitating fees, deductions and taxes through production sharing contracts. The results of the bidding will be known in a few weeks. fig.}
journal = []
issue = {7}
volume = {1}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Australia}
year = {1995}
month = {Jun}
title = {High stakes in the Timor Sea}
author = {Coetsee, Tony}
abstractNote = {A triangular block in the Western Australian sector of the Timor Sea, W94-10, is considered to be in the centre of the most prospective petroleum ground in the region. It is one of 10 adjoining blocks released under exploration permits to hydrocarbon exploration companies. Bids of up to $100 million for the permit on W94-10 have been made by large oil companies. The block is just inside the border of the Australian petroleum resource rent tax regime and not in ZOCA in the Timor Gap, which has debilitating fees, deductions and taxes through production sharing contracts. The results of the bidding will be known in a few weeks. fig.}
journal = []
issue = {7}
volume = {1}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Australia}
year = {1995}
month = {Jun}