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Laboratory determination of physico-chemical parameters pertinent to modelling of mass transport in cloud and fog droplets. Final report; Labormessungen physikalisch-chemischer Parameter fuer die Modellierung des Stofftransports in Wolken- und Nebeltroepfchen. Abschlussbericht


The aim of this project was to determine physico-chemical parameters which control mass transport rates between the interstitial air and the droplet phase of clouds and fog. For this purpose a Jet Technique was technically and theoretically improved. The technique is based on the absorption of trace gases into a very thin liquid water jet at very short contact times. The amount of trace gas absorbed by the jet is compared with model calculations. This way it has been possible to determine mass accommodation coefficients of 11 trace gases. The relevance of these parameters for trace gas transformations in the atmosphere is discussed. A method was developed to evaluate the sensitivity of the technique, which can be utilized to optimize experimental conditions. Furthermore, Henry`s law constants and hydrolysis rate constants have been measured for 22 organic nitrates, bifunctional nitrates, and peroxyacyl nitrates, in the atmospherically relevant temperature range. As far as possible, salt effects, in particular sea salt effects, on these constants have been investigated. (orig.)
Publication Date:
Aug 01, 1994
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 540120; PA: DE-95:0GH980; EDB-95:125793; NTS-96:001611; ERA-20:027471; SN: 95001456760
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: Aug 1994
Sponsoring Organizations:
Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)
Research Organizations:
Bonn Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE95504028; CNN: Foerderkennzeichen BMFT 07EU727; TRN: DE95GH980
OSTI as DE95504028
Submitting Site:
101 p.
Announcement Date:
Oct 02, 1995

Citation Formats

Schurath, U, Bongartz, A, Kames, J, Schweighoefer, S, Mekelburger, C, and Wunderlich, C. Laboratory determination of physico-chemical parameters pertinent to modelling of mass transport in cloud and fog droplets. Final report; Labormessungen physikalisch-chemischer Parameter fuer die Modellierung des Stofftransports in Wolken- und Nebeltroepfchen. Abschlussbericht. Germany: N. p., 1994. Web.
Schurath, U, Bongartz, A, Kames, J, Schweighoefer, S, Mekelburger, C, & Wunderlich, C. Laboratory determination of physico-chemical parameters pertinent to modelling of mass transport in cloud and fog droplets. Final report; Labormessungen physikalisch-chemischer Parameter fuer die Modellierung des Stofftransports in Wolken- und Nebeltroepfchen. Abschlussbericht. Germany.
Schurath, U, Bongartz, A, Kames, J, Schweighoefer, S, Mekelburger, C, and Wunderlich, C. 1994. "Laboratory determination of physico-chemical parameters pertinent to modelling of mass transport in cloud and fog droplets. Final report; Labormessungen physikalisch-chemischer Parameter fuer die Modellierung des Stofftransports in Wolken- und Nebeltroepfchen. Abschlussbericht." Germany.
title = {Laboratory determination of physico-chemical parameters pertinent to modelling of mass transport in cloud and fog droplets. Final report; Labormessungen physikalisch-chemischer Parameter fuer die Modellierung des Stofftransports in Wolken- und Nebeltroepfchen. Abschlussbericht}
author = {Schurath, U, Bongartz, A, Kames, J, Schweighoefer, S, Mekelburger, C, and Wunderlich, C}
abstractNote = {The aim of this project was to determine physico-chemical parameters which control mass transport rates between the interstitial air and the droplet phase of clouds and fog. For this purpose a Jet Technique was technically and theoretically improved. The technique is based on the absorption of trace gases into a very thin liquid water jet at very short contact times. The amount of trace gas absorbed by the jet is compared with model calculations. This way it has been possible to determine mass accommodation coefficients of 11 trace gases. The relevance of these parameters for trace gas transformations in the atmosphere is discussed. A method was developed to evaluate the sensitivity of the technique, which can be utilized to optimize experimental conditions. Furthermore, Henry`s law constants and hydrolysis rate constants have been measured for 22 organic nitrates, bifunctional nitrates, and peroxyacyl nitrates, in the atmospherically relevant temperature range. As far as possible, salt effects, in particular sea salt effects, on these constants have been investigated. (orig.)}
place = {Germany}
year = {1994}
month = {Aug}