This report presents a forecast for a viable green pellets market i mid-Norway in 2020. Its main conclusions are that green pellets are marginally competitive in the building heating market, competitive in some industrial process but not competitive in district heating. If Enova are to achieve a higher market penetration for green pellets, it should strengthen both its ' information and competence building programmes as well as increase financial support to green pellets. In the building heating market, green pellets could expect take a market share up to 15%, or approximately 80 GWh. Under favorable relative energy prices, market share could get significantly higher, i.e. several 100 GWh. In industry, conversion of current light fuel oil consumption could represent approximately 100 GWh Increased use of green pellets would above all reduce investments in heat pumps, both air-to-air (small buildings) and air-to-water (larger buildings), as well as investment in wood chip burning boilers. Consequently, Enova should carefully consider its portfolio of support across technologies as to avoid adverse effects of a unilateral improvement of support to green pellets. (Author)
Citation Formats
Ingeberg, Kjetil, Lisleboe, Ole, Langseth, Benedicte, and Troemborg, Erik.
An analysis of the Green pellet market in Norway; Markedsrapport. Pelletsmarkedet i Midt-Norge.
Norway: N. p.,
Ingeberg, Kjetil, Lisleboe, Ole, Langseth, Benedicte, & Troemborg, Erik.
An analysis of the Green pellet market in Norway; Markedsrapport. Pelletsmarkedet i Midt-Norge.
Ingeberg, Kjetil, Lisleboe, Ole, Langseth, Benedicte, and Troemborg, Erik.
"An analysis of the Green pellet market in Norway; Markedsrapport. Pelletsmarkedet i Midt-Norge."
title = {An analysis of the Green pellet market in Norway; Markedsrapport. Pelletsmarkedet i Midt-Norge}
author = {Ingeberg, Kjetil, Lisleboe, Ole, Langseth, Benedicte, and Troemborg, Erik}
abstractNote = {This report presents a forecast for a viable green pellets market i mid-Norway in 2020. Its main conclusions are that green pellets are marginally competitive in the building heating market, competitive in some industrial process but not competitive in district heating. If Enova are to achieve a higher market penetration for green pellets, it should strengthen both its ' information and competence building programmes as well as increase financial support to green pellets. In the building heating market, green pellets could expect take a market share up to 15%, or approximately 80 GWh. Under favorable relative energy prices, market share could get significantly higher, i.e. several 100 GWh. In industry, conversion of current light fuel oil consumption could represent approximately 100 GWh Increased use of green pellets would above all reduce investments in heat pumps, both air-to-air (small buildings) and air-to-water (larger buildings), as well as investment in wood chip burning boilers. Consequently, Enova should carefully consider its portfolio of support across technologies as to avoid adverse effects of a unilateral improvement of support to green pellets. (Author)}
place = {Norway}
year = {2010}
month = {Sep}
title = {An analysis of the Green pellet market in Norway; Markedsrapport. Pelletsmarkedet i Midt-Norge}
author = {Ingeberg, Kjetil, Lisleboe, Ole, Langseth, Benedicte, and Troemborg, Erik}
abstractNote = {This report presents a forecast for a viable green pellets market i mid-Norway in 2020. Its main conclusions are that green pellets are marginally competitive in the building heating market, competitive in some industrial process but not competitive in district heating. If Enova are to achieve a higher market penetration for green pellets, it should strengthen both its ' information and competence building programmes as well as increase financial support to green pellets. In the building heating market, green pellets could expect take a market share up to 15%, or approximately 80 GWh. Under favorable relative energy prices, market share could get significantly higher, i.e. several 100 GWh. In industry, conversion of current light fuel oil consumption could represent approximately 100 GWh Increased use of green pellets would above all reduce investments in heat pumps, both air-to-air (small buildings) and air-to-water (larger buildings), as well as investment in wood chip burning boilers. Consequently, Enova should carefully consider its portfolio of support across technologies as to avoid adverse effects of a unilateral improvement of support to green pellets. (Author)}
place = {Norway}
year = {2010}
month = {Sep}