The integration of a TEG module in a SOFC dummy hotbox has been proved to give potential increased electrical hotbox efficiency. The expected efficiency at min. 8% was not achieved due to the poor performance of the commercial TEG modules. It shows the need to further develop the specific novel TE material with properties that complies with the SOFC hotbox requirements in regards to temperatures, stability and cost. The high performance material Zn{sub 4}Sb{sub 3} is the target for implementation in SOFTEG since 1) it has been patented and therefore is straightforward to use and 2) it is optimized precisely for the temperature interval of SOFTEG. The main problem is thermal stability and the present project has focused on understanding this aspect in detail through extensive multi-temperature synchrotron powder diffraction measurements. In has been shown that 1) zone melted material is superior to quench synthesis, 2) Cd doping significantly improves thermal stability of quench material and 3) both materials have improved stability in Argon atmosphere. These are important details, if a working module is to be developed. There are indications that grain size influences stability significantly, but this aspect needs further study. The results from this project will be used
Citation Formats
SOFC/TEG hybrid system. Final report.
Denmark: N. p.,
SOFC/TEG hybrid system. Final report.
"SOFC/TEG hybrid system. Final report."
title = {SOFC/TEG hybrid system. Final report}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {The integration of a TEG module in a SOFC dummy hotbox has been proved to give potential increased electrical hotbox efficiency. The expected efficiency at min. 8% was not achieved due to the poor performance of the commercial TEG modules. It shows the need to further develop the specific novel TE material with properties that complies with the SOFC hotbox requirements in regards to temperatures, stability and cost. The high performance material Zn{sub 4}Sb{sub 3} is the target for implementation in SOFTEG since 1) it has been patented and therefore is straightforward to use and 2) it is optimized precisely for the temperature interval of SOFTEG. The main problem is thermal stability and the present project has focused on understanding this aspect in detail through extensive multi-temperature synchrotron powder diffraction measurements. In has been shown that 1) zone melted material is superior to quench synthesis, 2) Cd doping significantly improves thermal stability of quench material and 3) both materials have improved stability in Argon atmosphere. These are important details, if a working module is to be developed. There are indications that grain size influences stability significantly, but this aspect needs further study. The results from this project will be used to develop a TEG module based on the new TE materiel (zinc-Antimony) (Zn{sub 4}Sb{sub 3}) in a phase II project. (LN)}
place = {Denmark}
year = {2009}
month = {Aug}
title = {SOFC/TEG hybrid system. Final report}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {The integration of a TEG module in a SOFC dummy hotbox has been proved to give potential increased electrical hotbox efficiency. The expected efficiency at min. 8% was not achieved due to the poor performance of the commercial TEG modules. It shows the need to further develop the specific novel TE material with properties that complies with the SOFC hotbox requirements in regards to temperatures, stability and cost. The high performance material Zn{sub 4}Sb{sub 3} is the target for implementation in SOFTEG since 1) it has been patented and therefore is straightforward to use and 2) it is optimized precisely for the temperature interval of SOFTEG. The main problem is thermal stability and the present project has focused on understanding this aspect in detail through extensive multi-temperature synchrotron powder diffraction measurements. In has been shown that 1) zone melted material is superior to quench synthesis, 2) Cd doping significantly improves thermal stability of quench material and 3) both materials have improved stability in Argon atmosphere. These are important details, if a working module is to be developed. There are indications that grain size influences stability significantly, but this aspect needs further study. The results from this project will be used to develop a TEG module based on the new TE materiel (zinc-Antimony) (Zn{sub 4}Sb{sub 3}) in a phase II project. (LN)}
place = {Denmark}
year = {2009}
month = {Aug}